

目前顯示的是 3月, 2021的文章

紅豆湯與紅豆餡做法 How to Make Red Bean Soup & Red Bean Paste

🔹 紅 豆  母親很愛吃紅豆做的甜點  尤其是紅豆麵包與紅豆湯圓  每次親手做這些料理給她吃的時刻  我和她都由衷感到非常快樂  臺灣人用紅豆來做點心的文化,從日治時期即開始漸漸流行起來。這裡就為大家介紹如何用電鍋自製香濃軟爛的紅豆湯與紅豆餡。把紅豆用電鍋煮好後,依個人口味加糖加水拌勻,即是紅豆湯。把紅豆湯加入小湯圓,即成為紅豆湯圓。片中最後做出的紅豆餡成品,可用來做為紅豆麻糬、 紅豆鹼粽 、 紅豆麵包 、銅鑼燒等等點心的餡。如果用電鍋煮好後,僅加糖、鹽、奶油拌勻、壓碎,不把紅豆餡炒過,放乾後就可做為紅豆餅的餡。如果不加奶油,僅加糖、鹽拌勻,炒好、壓碎後,也可做為刨冰或豆花的配料。如果不加奶油,不炒、不壓碎,瀝乾後加糖與鹽拌勻冷藏一晚即成為蜜紅豆,可用來製作紅豆年糕哦~(文末附影片) 🔹 Adzuki Beans    Mum loves to eat dessert made with adzuki beans.  Red bean buns and red bean soup with tang yuan are her favourites.  Every time I make her these kinds of desserts,  Both she and I feel so happy from the bottom of our hearts.    Adzuki beans are very popular for making various kinds of desserts in Taiwan. Actually, it was not until the Japanese colonial period that adzuki beans began to be popularly used for making dessert. The Taiwanese red bean soup can be served with tang yuan inside. The Taiwanese red bean paste can be used to make Taiwanese red bean mochi, red bean kee chang (alkaline rice dumplings) , red bean buns , do