

目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章

紅豆麵包做法 How to Make Red Bean Buns (Anpan)

🔹 紅豆麵包    老家附近以前有家西點麵包店  麵包出爐時間剛好是我放學肚子最餓的時候  每天媽都會買一袋麵包給我當下午的點心  裡頭總有我倆都愛的綿密香甜的紅豆麵包  紅豆麵包是最受歡迎的臺式麵包之一。然而,事實上,臺灣的紅豆麵包源自於日本,是在日治時期從日本傳入的。日本於明治維新廢止武士階級後,一名失業的武士把和菓子中常用的紅豆餡與西方的麵包結合,發明了紅豆麵包。西元1875年,紅豆麵包獲得明治天皇大加讚賞,此後,紅豆麵包在日本幾乎成了麵包的代名詞。知名動畫角色「麵包超人」的日文原名,其實就是「紅豆麵包人」。這裡就與大家分享如何用低溫中種法做出蓬鬆軟柔、綿密細緻的經典紅豆麵包。除了紅豆麵包以外,這款麵團也能用來做其它種類的臺式麵包或生吐司哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Red Bean Buns    Near my home, there used to be a bakery.  The buns came out when I felt peckish after school every day.  Then Mum would buy a bag of buns for my afternoon tea,  Which always contained soft and sweet red bean buns, our favourites.  The red bean bun (anpan) is very popular in Taiwan. In fact, it was first introduced by the Japanese in the Japanese colonial period. Due to the abolition of samurai in the Meiji Restoration, a former samurai combined the red bean paste of Japanese sweets with western bread to create the red bean buns. Since the red bean bun was admired by Emperor Meiji in 1875, it has almost become representative of buns in