

目前顯示的是 4月, 2021的文章

糍粑 / 粢粑 (客家麻糬) 做法 How to Make Taiwanese Ciba Cake (Hakka Mochi)

🔹 糍 粑  以前每當鄰家有人結婚  總有熱鬧又豐盛的辦桌流水席  以及吃不完的美味糍粑與花生糖粉  值得細細品嚐、慢慢回憶   在臺灣,糍粑(粢粑)又叫做客家麻糬,以其超軟嫩 Q 彈的口感聞名。糍粑通常不包餡,要吃的時候再從袋中擠出,沾花生糖粉一起吃。傳統的糍粑做法,是先把糯米蒸熟後,再捶搗而成。這裡介紹的則是較簡便的糯米粉配方,做出來的糍粑一樣好吃哦~(文末附影片) 🔹 Ciba  Every time someone in the neighbourhood got married,  There was always bustling and bountiful roadside banquet  With all of the ciba and powdered peanut butter that you could eat.  These are the things worth savouring and recollecting gradually.   In Taiwan, ciba is also called Hakka mochi (Hakka muah chee), which is famous for its super soft and springy texture. Ciba is usually served without stuffing. The serving is squeezed out of a plastic bag and eaten after being stuck with powdered peanut butter. Traditionally, ciba is made by beating the steamed sticky rice. Here, it's simply made from glutinous rice flour, and taste just as good as, if not better than, the one made traditionally. (See the video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .