

目前顯示的是 5月, 2020的文章

菠蘿麵包做法(臺式原味與鹹奶油口味)How to Make Taiwanese Pineapple Buns

🔹 臺式菠蘿麵包  祖籍來自香港  作風深受日本影響  多元文化加上無限創意  造就獨特的臺味天王  菠蘿是一種與鳳梨長得很像的水果。菠蘿麵包沒有菠蘿,只是因其外型與菠蘿相似而得其名。臺北市糕餅商業同業公會,曾舉辦票選最具臺式軟麵包代表性的品項,結果,前四名分別是:菠蘿、蔥花、紅豆,與奶酥麵包,號稱臺式軟麵包的四大天王。其中,名列第一的菠蘿麵包,雖然最初源自於香港,但早已是每一家臺式麵包店必備的最暢銷產品。這裡就與大家分享:如何用低溫中種法,自製外酥內軟的臺式原味與鹹奶油口味的菠蘿麵包。(文末附影片) 🔹 Taiwanese Pineapple Bun  Comes from Hong Kong originally  With features full of Japanese twists.  Multiculturalism and infinite creativity  Lead to the unique champion of Taiwanese tastes.  The pineapple bun doesn't have pineapples in it at all. Actually, the name comes from the similarity of their looks. The Taiwanese pineapple bun has long been the most representative item of soft Taiwanese buns, followed by the spring onion bread, the red bean bun and the milky filling bun, according to a survey by Taipei Bakery Association. Although the pineapple bun originated in Hong Kong, it has taken a twist in Taiwan and become the most popular item in Taiwanese bakeries. Here, we show you how to use the sponge and do