🔹 Taiwanese Pineapple Bun
Comes from Hong Kong originally
With features full of Japanese twists.
Multiculturalism and infinite creativity
Lead to the unique champion of Taiwanese tastes.
The pineapple bun doesn't have pineapples in it at all. Actually, the name comes from the similarity of their looks. The Taiwanese pineapple bun has long been the most representative item of soft Taiwanese buns, followed by the spring onion bread, the red bean bun and the milky filling bun, according to a survey by Taipei Bakery Association. Although the pineapple bun originated in Hong Kong, it has taken a twist in Taiwan and become the most popular item in Taiwanese bakeries. Here, we show you how to use the sponge and dough method to make original flavoured and salted butter flavoured Taiwanese pineapple buns, which are all crisp outside, soft inside and super delicious. (See video tutorial at the end.)
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材 料(Ingredients):
製作臺式菠蘿麵包的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Mix well the ingredients for sponge dough and knead them into a dough. Put it into a food-grade plastic bag and seal it. Leave it at room temperature (20-25℃) for 30 minutes before refrigerating it for another 8-12 hours.
把中種麵團密封冷藏。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將軟化無鹽奶油以外的其它主麵團材料與中種麵團拌合並揉至有彈性後,加入軟化無鹽奶油,繼續揉至可拉出薄膜。揉的過程中,以及揉好之後,麵團溫度皆需控制在 28℃ 以下。將一個食品級塑膠袋剪開覆蓋在麵團上,室溫(20-25℃)靜置三十分鐘。
Mix all of the ingredients for the final dough, except softened unsalted butter, with the sponge dough. Knead them into a resilient dough. Add the softened unsalted butter. Knead the dough until it has an earlobe consistency. The dough temperature should be kept under 28℃ all the time. Cover the dough with a food-grade plastic bag and leave it at room temperature (20-25℃) for 30 minutes.
可先把中種麵團分割後再與其它材料拌合。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
用類似洗衣服的方式來揉麵團。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
加入軟化的無鹽奶油。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
揉到可拉出很薄又不容易破的薄膜。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
可用探針式溫度計來測量麵團溫度。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將用來製作菠蘿皮的無鹽奶油、無水奶油與糖粉混合並打發至泛白,加入過篩的高筋麵粉與杏仁粉,以切拌的方式(劃 D 字形)拌合成團,用保鮮膜包好,冷藏備用。
Mix the softened unsalted butter and clarified butter for the crust with icing sugar. Beat them until the mixture becomes whitened. Add the sifted bread flour and almond flour. Use the fold-in method to mix them well. Wrap the mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate it.
打發至泛白狀。由於每家麵粉吸水性不同,若菠蘿皮麵團太乾,可以加些蛋液調整(但加太多反而對新手而言會造成黏手不好操作,需要經驗判斷)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
用保鮮膜包好冷藏備用。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Sprinkle some flour over the final dough. Insert one of your fingers into the final dough and pull out to see if it can keep the shape of a hole. If it can, divide it evenly into 6 pieces. Round them respectively. Cover them with a food-grade plastic bag and leave them at room temperature (20-25℃) for 20 minutes.
沒有回縮。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
分割與滾圓。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Flatten 3 of the balls with your hands and round them again respectively. Flatten 1 of the 3 other balls into a disc with your hands, put an 8g piece of chilled salted butter onto it, and pull the dough with your fingers until the filling is fully covered. The opening must be gently pinched together. Repeat the same process twice. Cover them with a food-grade plastic bag.
將收口輕輕捏緊。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Divide the mixture for the crust into 6 even pieces. Sprinkle some flour over your work surface. Roll and flatten one of them into a disc. Spray some water onto one of the balls. Put on and stick the disc on the ball tightly. Carve some cross lines on the surface of the crust. Repeat the same process for another 5 times. Cover them with plastic wrap and leave them to rise at room temperature (20-25℃) for 90 minutes.
擀扁後的菠蘿皮麵團。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
組合後的底部。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
刻劃格紋。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
預熱烤箱至實際溫度 210℃。將表面塗抹用的蛋黃與水混合均勻。在把麵團送進烤箱前,將蛋黃水均勻塗抹在麵團表面上。
Preheat an oven to 210℃ (actual temperature). Mix well the egg yolk and water for the topping. Smear the topping on the bun crusts before baking them.
刷蛋黃水。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
以實際溫度 210℃ 烤十分鐘,把烤盤前後對調,再烤約七分鐘出爐,放涼即可。
Bake them at 210℃ (actual temperature) for 10 Minutes. Turn the baking tray around and bake them for another 7 minutes or so. Cool them off. Then, voila!
原味菠蘿麵包的切面。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
鹹奶油口味菠蘿麵包的切面。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
放涼後最好儘早食用。若放隔夜,菠蘿皮將會因吸收水氣而變得沒那麼酥脆。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
原音重現版影片(請開字幕) Video Without Talking or Music (ASMR):
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附 註(Footnotes):
The water absorption rate of Japanese flour is higher. So, it can keep the bun moist and soft, which is very suitable for Taiwanese soft buns.
Sannontou can help keep the bun even more moist. If you can't find sannontou, you can use light brown sugar instead.
The lecithin of egg yolk can make the bun softer and have a longer shelf life.
When it's cold, you can wait for an hour before refrigerating the sponge dough.
By using the sponge and dough method, yeast can fully consume and break down starch and sugar in the flour. So, the bun can be soft, resilient and moist, and it won't stick to your teeth.
If the dough temperature is too high while being kneaded, it can be refrigerated for 10 minutes before being kneaded again.
Clarified butter and almond flour can make the crust more flavourful and crisper. The almond flour we mention here is the one for baking, not the one for making almond tea. They are made of different ingredients and smell totally different.
Combine the ingredients for the crust by folding them, otherwise the crust will become resilient and won't be crisp enough.
Pinch gently while folding the filling, so that the dough won't be torn apart by your fingers and the chilled butter.
Spray some water on the dough ball so as to let the crust stick to the dough.
If you prefer the crust cracking naturally, the carving process can be left out.
左側為自然裂的菠蘿皮。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
If the weather is too hot or too cold, you can cut short or extend the dough's rise time accordingly.
You can make the crust look better by smearing it with egg yolk and water rather than liquid whole egg. The remaining egg white can be used to make tuiles and financier.
恭喜網友 tara_s_table 試做成功! Congratulations on tara_s_table's success!
圖片來源(Source of the Picture): www.instagram.com/tara_s_table/ |