

目前顯示的是 7月, 2022的文章

爆米花做法 (焦糖爆米花) How to Make Caramel Popcorn

焦糖爆米花是近年興起的一種廣受歡迎的爆米花製作方式。這裡介紹的是蝴蝶形焦糖爆米花的做法。若想爆出又大又圓的蘑菇形爆米花,記得選用蘑菇形爆米花的玉米粒品種,並改用厚底鍋以大火來爆。若想做成巧克力、草莓或抹茶口味,可在裹上焦糖後,酌量篩入巧克力粉、草莓粉或抹茶粉拌勻即可。接下來就為大家介紹如何用家裡最常見的一般平底鍋做出美味的蝴蝶形焦糖爆米花。(文末附影片) Caramel popcorn is very popular these years. The popcorn I make here is butterfly popcorn. If mushroom popcorn is intended, remember to choose the mushroom popcorn kernels and use a heavy-bottomed saucepan to stir-fry them over high heat. If you'd like the popcorn of chocolate, strawberry, or matcha flavour, just add in the sifted powder of chocolate, strawberry, or matcha after the popcorn is covered with caramel. Here, I'm gonna show you how to make delicious caramel popcorn with a common frying pan. (Watch the video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 製作焦糖爆米花的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 平底鍋加入橄欖油,開中火,放入三顆爆米花玉米粒,等這些玉米粒爆開後,