Caramel popcorn is very popular these years. The popcorn I make here is butterfly popcorn. If mushroom popcorn is intended, remember to choose the mushroom popcorn kernels and use a heavy-bottomed saucepan to stir-fry them over high heat. If you'd like the popcorn of chocolate, strawberry, or matcha flavour, just add in the sifted powder of chocolate, strawberry, or matcha after the popcorn is covered with caramel. Here, I'm gonna show you how to make delicious caramel popcorn with a common frying pan. (Watch the video tutorial at the end.)
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材 料(Ingredients):
製作焦糖爆米花的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Pour the olive oil into a frying pan over medium heat. Put 3 popcorn kernels into the pan. After the kernels have popped, put the rest of the kernels into the pan. Turn the heat down to the medium-low level. Lid on. Keep moving the pan until all of the kernels have popped. Set the popcorn aside.
可將平底鍋斜放,讓油與玉米粒集中。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
蓋上蓋子,爆米花才不會跳出鍋外。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
剛爆好的爆米花。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將糖、水、鹽加入平底鍋中,開中火,不攪拌,煮沸至 150℃ 後,轉中小火,續煮至 160℃ 後,加入奶油拌勻。
Put the sugar, water, salt into the pan over medium heat. Boil but don't stir them. Turn the heat down to the low level when the liquid reaches 150℃. Add the butter when it reaches 160℃. Stir and mix them well.
可移動鍋子幫助混合。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
務必用溫度計監測與控制溫度,才不會煮得太焦。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
等加入奶油後,再用耐熱刮刀攪拌。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Pour the popcorn into the pan. Stir and cover all of the popcorn evenly with the caramel. Leave the caramel popcorn onto a baking tray and separate every pieces of the popcorn before they cool down. Then, voila!
趁熱把焦糖爆米花撥散,否則等焦糖冷卻後就不易分開了。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
成品示意圖,記得要密封保存哦。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
配樂版影片 Video Tutorial With Talking & Music:
原音版影片 Video Without Talking or Music (ASMR):
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The fresher the raw popcorn kernels are, the more easily they are going to pop.
The olive oil can be replaced with the same amount of clarified butter or flavourless cooking oil. Avoid using normal unsalted butter since the water it contains will made the kernels difficult to pop and easy to get burned.
Put 3 kernels first to measure the temperature of the pan. The temperature has to be high enough to pop the corn shortly without burning it.
You can also stir-fry the popcorn kernels without adding oil. However, the popcorn may be charred easily this way.
Keep moving the pan to heat up the popcorn kernels evenly.
A heavy-bottomed saucepan would be preferred if available. It can heat evenly, and you don't need to worry about burning the popcorn kernels over higher heat, which can pop the corn more beautifully.
It's best to use a heavy-bottomed saucepan to heat the sugar too if available since its temperature won't change too quickly and won't burn the sugar easily.
Don't stir the sugar until the butter is added, otherwise the sugar may recrystallise and whiten, and the texture will be affected.
Cover the popcorn with caramel in the hot pan so that the caramel can be spread more evenly.
Separate the popcorn while it's still hot, then store it in an airtight food container as soon as possible to keep it crisp.
The caramel popcorn can be preserved in an airtight food container at room temperature for a week.
自製的蘑菇形焦糖爆米花。左上為無調味的爆米花,右下為原味焦糖爆米花,左下為巧克力口味焦糖爆米花,右上為草莓口味焦糖爆米花。 |