

目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章

肉包做法 (古早味肉包) How to Make Pork Bao (Bakpao, Steamed Pork Buns)

🔹 古早味肉包  外公超愛吃古早味肉包  每次探望女兒總會順便買給外孫吃  外孫長大後很想親手做些給他嚐嚐  但他已經離開很多年了  小的時候,故鄉的城隍廟口附近曾有一間專門賣古早味肉包的店。聽說那裡的肉包做法,是原本在清朝宮廷做包子的師傅傳下來的手藝。當年的肉包,皮薄餡多,吃起來鹹鹹甜甜,又Q又香。我這裡做的版本比較不油,口味也較沒那麼重,但還是超好吃的哦。除了肉包以外,這款麵團也能用來做包其它內餡的包子。(文末附影片) 🔹 Vintage Pork Bao  Vintage pork bao was one of Granddad's favourites.  He often bought some to see his daughter and grandkid.  Now the kid has grown up and want to make him some to eat.  But then, he has already passed away for years.  When I was little, there was a shop selling vintage pork bao near my hometown's City God Temple. It is said that the recipe for pork bao there was handed down by a former chef who had made pork bao in the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty. With a thin skin and a hearty filling, the pork bao was springy, smelt really good, and had a salty and sweet taste. The version I make here is less greasy and has less seasonings. But it's still super tasty. Apart from pork bao, the dough can also be used to make other kinds of bao with diff