

目前顯示的是 6月, 2023的文章

客家粽做法 (客家米粽) How to Make Hakka Zongzi

客家粽的這個版本(我從小吃的臺灣客家米粽)是用月桃葉包的,透過先炒米、後蒸製的過程,糯米吃起來的口感軟硬適中,介於偏Q彈的臺灣北部粽與偏軟黏的臺灣南部粽之間,剝開內餡即能聞到煸炒過的濃濃菜脯香與胡椒香,是我用來懷念阿婆的一道美食。如果是用一般的粽葉,則把粽葉泡水兩小時,洗乾淨、瀝乾即可,可參考我的「 鹼粽做法 」。月桃葉在鄉下很常見,具有一股很特別的清香氣息,但需要先去梗、煮軟,才會較好包。(文末附影片) This version of Hakka zongzi is wrapped with shell ginger leaf. It's a dish I will make when I miss my grandma. If you use bamboo leaves instead, they need to be soaked for 2 hours, washed, and drained. Please watch " How to Make Kee Chang " for reference. Shell ginger is very common in Taiwan's countryside. It has a nice and special aroma, but the leaf can only be used after you eliminate the hard stem and boil it. (See video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 製作客家粽的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 把六片月桃葉洗淨、瀝乾、去梗(葉柄),用滾水煮約二十分鐘後,用冷水浸泡一晚。備用。 Wash 6 shell ginger leaves and drain them. Eliminate the hard stem and boil them for about 20 min