

目前顯示的是 11月, 2019的文章

紅糟肉做法 How to Make Fried Red Yeast Pork

◆ 紅糟肉   逢年過節親友聚會  紅露酒的酒糟調味  喜氣洋洋又挑動味蕾  千古流傳的料理智慧  紅麴是紅麴米的簡稱,是一種經紅麴菌發酵過的米。用紅麴與糯米,來製作紅露酒的過程中,所殘留的酒粕,就是紅糟。漢人用紅糟來料理的做法,已經有上千年的歷史。台灣的紅麴,相傳是與鄭成功一起,從泉州飄洋過海來的。時到今日,紅糟肉仍然是一種很受歡迎的料理方式,尤其是在新竹、艋舺,以及大稻埕等地。新竹人甚至用紅糟肉來包肉圓,但我們這回,不是要教大家怎樣做新竹肉圓,我們要介紹的是外酥內軟的炸紅糟肉。我們這裡用小里肌(腰內肉)取代市面常見的五花肉(三層肉),炸好後不但又軟又嫩,而且不乾、不柴、不油、不膩。紅色的炸紅糟肉看起來喜氣洋洋,不含化學色素,做法又不複雜,實是各種喜慶聚會場合展現廚藝的絕佳選擇。(文末附影片) ◆ Fried Red Yeast Pork   At social gatherings on festive occasions,  Seasoning with red yeast rice wine's vinasse  Symbolizes good luck and tickles taste buds.  May the ancient cooking wisdom stay for another thousand years...  Red yeast rice sauce is the vinasse (distiller's grains) of red rice wine, which is made from red yeast rice and glutinous rice. The practice of using red yeast rice sauce to cook has a history of more than one thousand years for Han people. Taiwan's red yeast rice allegedly came with Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong) from Zayton (Quanzhou). These days, red yeast pork is still a very popular di