

目前顯示的是 2月, 2020的文章

潤餅做法(含潤餅皮製作)How to Make Taiwanese Runbing

◆ 潤餅捲  今年春雨來得特別早  老街的人潮也漸漸變少  懷念一家團聚包潤餅的時光  願大家都健健康康 一切安好   潤餅捲據說是明朝泉州進士蔡復一的夫人發明的。傳來臺灣以後,很多家庭會在尾牙(農曆十二月十六日)、頭牙(農曆二月初二,土地公生)、或者是清明節的時候,自己在家包來吃。時到今日,潤餅捲已成為臺灣街頭與夜市一年四季都備受歡迎的排隊美食。每逢清明節前,菜市場裡販賣潤餅皮的攤位也總是大排長龍。這裡就與大家分享如何不用排隊、不需專業技巧也能製作潤餅皮的方法。至於餡料的內容,由於每個家庭都不太一樣(尤其南北差異甚大),我們這裡介紹的是臺灣北部夜市較常見的餡料版本,不是唯一的做法哦。(文末附影片) ◆ Runbing  This year's spring rain comes particularly early.  The crowds are getting smaller on the old street.  Miss the time of making runbing with reunited family.  Wish everyone good health and safety.  Taiwanese runbing (lumpia or popiah, fresh spring roll) allegedly originated in Zayton (Quanzhou) in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Traditionally, Taiwanese people make runbing at home at the year-end banquet (weiya, the 16th of December of the lunar calendar), the first banquet (the 2nd of February of the lunar calendar), or Tomb-Sweeping Day. The contents of its fillings vary from family to family. Nowadays, it has become an all-year-round popular snack on the