

目前顯示的是 8月, 2021的文章

綠豆椪做法(迷你綠豆椪) How to Make Taiwanese Mung Bean Mooncake

🔹 綠豆椪  爸媽以前每逢中秋必買綠豆椪  小時的我總覺得那沒什麼  長大後卻越來越喜歡這種淡淡的香與微微的甜  也才漸漸懂得什麼是默默付出的關愛與守候  綠豆椪是臺中豐原的一間餅店在日本時代發明的一種臺灣的傳統月餅。據說當初是因為某次烤餅時,師傅忘了將餅翻面,結果沒想到烤出來的餅皮又白又蓬鬆,一碰到就有如雪花般層層剝落,大受客人歡迎。由於外型看起來膨膨的,裡面又包 綠豆沙 ,餅店的老闆娘就把它叫做「綠豆椪」。傳統的綠豆椪較大塊,也會在綠豆沙裡面包一些鹹的油蔥或是豬肉、肉脯。這裡為大家介紹的是最近較流行的小塊的綠豆椪,裡面僅僅包綠豆沙而已。這個綠豆椪的重量與蛋黃酥或月娘酥差不多,但因為我依照傳統綠豆椪的形狀把它稍微壓扁,因此會稍寬一些。壓或不壓,可依個人喜好而定,如果不壓的話,形狀和大小也與蛋黃酥或月娘酥差不多哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Mung Bean Mooncake    Mum and Dad always bought mung bean mooncake every Mid-Autumn Festival.  I thought it was nothing special when I was little.  But I find myself enjoying its mild fragrance and sweetness more and more after growing up,  And begin to realise why true love sometimes can be unnoticeable.  Taiwanese mung bean mooncake (mung bean pastry) is a kind of traditional Taiwanese mooncake, which was invented by a bakery in Fengyuan, Taichung during the Japanese colonial period. Legend has it that one time the baker forgot to flip the pastry over, but, as a result, the crust on top surprisingly became white and