

目前顯示的是 2022的文章

鹹豬肉做法 (客家鹹豬肉) How to Make Hakka Salted Pork

客家鹹豬肉是早期客家人用鹽來保存豬肉所做出來的一種好吃的料理。現在有冰箱可以協助冰豬肉,所以我這裡沒有醃得非常鹹,大家可以按照個人口味調整鹹淡。這裡要跟大家分享的料理方式是炒蒜苗鹹豬肉,這也是臺灣很常見的客家鹹豬肉料理方式,很香、很下飯。(文末附影片) 如果不想炒蒜苗,第二種料理方式是把鹹豬肉用兩百度大約烤二十分鐘,要記得在烤到一半的時候翻面。第三種料理方式,可以用電鍋加一杯水蒸熟,用小火將兩面煎成金黃色後,再切一片一片配白醋與薑絲一起吃。如果用蒸或烤的料理方式,也可以把五花肉換成松坂肉,吃起來會有不一樣風味。吃剩的鹹豬肉可以拿來做披薩、沙拉、義大利麵的配料,或者拿來炒青菜,每樣都很好吃哦。 Hakka salted pork is a delicious dish which dates back to the olden days when Hakka people preserved pork with salt. Now that we have fridges to help preserve the pork, the pork I made here is not as salty as before, but the seasoning can be adjusted as desired. The cooking method I demonstrate here is to stir-fry the pork with green garlic, which is a very common way to cook Hakka salted pork in Taiwan and is really delicious to go with steamed rice. (Watch the video tutorial at the end.) If you don't like stir-fry, the alternative cooking method is to bake the salted pork at 200℃ for about 20 minutes. Remember to flip the pork halfway. Another alternative method is to steam the salted

蛋黃酥做法 How to Make Yolk Pastry

蛋黃酥是很多臺灣人過中秋節必吃的一種月餅。建議搭配現敲的鹹蛋黃與自製的烏豆沙來製作,吃起來非常軟綿香醇哦,可參考我先前發表的「 鹹蛋做法 」與「 烏豆沙做法 」。底下就為大家示範如何在家用一般烤箱製作經典的臺式蛋黃酥(文末附影片)。 Yolk pastry is a kind of must-eat moon cake on Mid-Autumn Festival for many Taiwanese people. With freshly made salted egg yolk and homemade smooth red bean paste, the yolk pastry can have a very smooth texture and smell really great. Watch " How to Make Salted Eggs " and " How to Make Smooth Red Bean Paste " for reference. Here, I'm gonna show you how to make the classical Taiwanese yolk pastry with a common home oven. (Watch the video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 製作蛋黃酥的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 把鹹鴨蛋黃用高粱酒浸泡洗過,用 150℃ 烤 12-15 分鐘。備用。 Soak the salted duck egg yolks in sorghum liquor and drain them. Bake the salted duck egg yolks at 150℃ for 12-15 minutes. Set aside. 要把鹹蛋黃烤到頂部

爆米花做法 (焦糖爆米花) How to Make Caramel Popcorn

焦糖爆米花是近年興起的一種廣受歡迎的爆米花製作方式。這裡介紹的是蝴蝶形焦糖爆米花的做法。若想爆出又大又圓的蘑菇形爆米花,記得選用蘑菇形爆米花的玉米粒品種,並改用厚底鍋以大火來爆。若想做成巧克力、草莓或抹茶口味,可在裹上焦糖後,酌量篩入巧克力粉、草莓粉或抹茶粉拌勻即可。接下來就為大家介紹如何用家裡最常見的一般平底鍋做出美味的蝴蝶形焦糖爆米花。(文末附影片) Caramel popcorn is very popular these years. The popcorn I make here is butterfly popcorn. If mushroom popcorn is intended, remember to choose the mushroom popcorn kernels and use a heavy-bottomed saucepan to stir-fry them over high heat. If you'd like the popcorn of chocolate, strawberry, or matcha flavour, just add in the sifted powder of chocolate, strawberry, or matcha after the popcorn is covered with caramel. Here, I'm gonna show you how to make delicious caramel popcorn with a common frying pan. (Watch the video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 製作焦糖爆米花的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 平底鍋加入橄欖油,開中火,放入三顆爆米花玉米粒,等這些玉米粒爆開後,