

目前顯示的是 6月, 2021的文章

牛汶水做法 (熝湯粢 糖粿) How to Make Niu Wenshui (Lutangqi, Teung Guai)

🔹 牛汶水  我與務農的阿公從未見過面  據說他生前每天過著過勞的生活  阿婆教我做的牛汶水是他最愛的甜點  「生活應該是甜的」,阿婆說  牛汶水的客家話意思是「牛癱坐在水裡」,因為粢粑泡在黑糖薑湯中,很像牛泡在水裡只露出頭與背的模樣。牛汶水是臺灣早期客家人農忙休息時常見的點心,又叫做「熝湯粢」,也就是「煮在湯中的粢粑」。如果把黑糖薑湯換成一般的糖水,不加花生,就成了河佬人於七夕拜七娘媽用的「糖粿」,據說是用來盛裝七娘媽眼淚的碗。現在臺灣南部很有名的用炸的「白糖粿」,也是糖粿的另一種變化做法。(文末附影片) 🔹 Niu Wenshui  I have never met Grandpa, a farmer  Who allegedly overworked every day.  The niu wenshui Granny taught me how to make was his favourite dessert.  'Life should be sweet,' Granny said.   Niu wenshui literally means buffalo sitting weakly in water since the ciba in dark brown sugar and ginger syrup soup looks like buffalos in water with only their heads and backs seen. In early times, niu wenshui, also known as lutangqi, which means ciba cooked in soup, was a kind of popular dessert among Hakka farmers when they were taking a break. If you change from dark brown sugar and ginger syrup soup to normal syrup soup and don't add peanuts, it becomes Hokkien (Hoklo/Holo) people's teung guai, which is used to wo