

目前顯示的是 5月, 2022的文章

烏豆沙 (豆沙餡) 做法 How to Make Smooth Red Bean Paste (Koshian)

🔹 烏豆沙  充滿童年回憶的紅龜與壽桃  每年中秋必吃的蛋黃酥  入口即化的烏豆沙餡  是異鄉遊子最懂的濃郁鄉愁   烏豆沙是用紅豆做的餡,但是沒有紅豆皮在裡面。烏豆沙可以用來製作豆沙包、壽桃、麻糬、紅龜粿、或是蛋黃酥等等的點心。如果要製作紅豆餅或紅豆麵包用的帶皮的紅豆餡,或者想知道如何用電鍋取代快鍋,可另外參考我先前發表的〈 紅豆湯與紅豆餡做法 〉。以下就為大家詳細介紹如何用快鍋(壓力鍋)做出減糖減油版本的臺灣味烏豆沙。(文末附影片) 🔹 Koshian  Ang ku kueh and shou tao are full of childhood memories.  Yolk pastry is a must eat on Mid-Autumn Festival.  Can't forget the koshian filling melting in the mouth,  A kind of nostalgia best understood by wanderers away from home.  Smooth red bean paste (koshian) is made from adzuki beans, but does not contain bean hulls. Koshian can be used to make bean bao, shou tao, mochi, ang ku kueh, yolk pastries, etc. If you don't have a pressure cooker, or if you intend to make the filling (which is another kind of red bean paste) of wheel pies and red bean buns, please see " How to Make Red Bean Soup & Red Bean Paste ". Here, I'm gonna show you how to make the low-sugar and low-fat version of Taiwanese koshian with a pressure cooker. (Watc...