

目前顯示的是 4月, 2017的文章

吐司食譜(免麵包機)Sandwich Bread Recipe

吐司麵包美味的關鍵,在於是否濕潤、不乾口。真正成功的麵包,不需要配任何額外的果醬、奶油或餡料就很好吃了。許多人對吐司(尤其是方形的全麥吐司)的印象往往是難以入口、不是太乾就是太硬,但其實只要在製作過程加入一些保濕的食材,並採用低溫中種麵糰搭配水合法來製作,就能烤出濕潤可口的吐司,即使是方形全麥吐司也是一樣,甚至由於其方形的結構,更有助於達到外酥內軟的效果,我們從本頁首圖的方形全麥吐司切面外圈與內圈結構上的不同就可看出其外酥內軟的口感。食譜做法如下。(文末附影片) Moistness is the key to delicious bread. You know the baking really works when it still tastes great without any additional jam, butter, or fillings. And you know the sandwich bread is crispy outside and soft inside when you find the structural difference between the outer and inner layers of the cross-section. Here is the recipe with English translations. (Watch the video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): (可做成一條 12 兩的全麥吐司)(For a 450g Loaf of Wholemeal Sandwich Bread) (1) 中種麵糰(Sponge Dough): * 全麥麵粉(Wholemeal Flour):120g * 高筋麵粉(High-gluten Flour):90g * 速發酵母(Instant Yeast):3g