

目前顯示的是 9月, 2017的文章

古早味蛋糕食譜:台灣淡水復刻版 Taiwanese Castella Cake Recipe

不論平日或假日,淡水老街上的現烤古早味蛋糕舖總是排滿了來自世界各地的引頸盼望人龍。曾幾何時,綿密細緻、蛋香逼人的台灣古早味蛋糕竟已紅遍海內外,成為繼鳳梨酥之後,另一項必嚐、必買的台灣之光(這是一款好吃、好聞勝過表面好看的蛋糕。若您很注重蛋糕的外觀是否好看,可先 google 搜尋 "淡水古早味蛋糕" 的圖片,看看它真正道地的外觀後,再決定要不要用這裡的食譜來試做)。這款蛋糕的做法,表面上看似簡單,但只要配方比例、烤溫、甚至烤模擺置方法稍有閃失,做出來的蛋糕就很難彰顯出其特有的香味與口感。以下介紹的食譜做法,不但簡單(免燙麵、免水浴法),而且做出的古早味蛋糕極具道地特色。當下次大家嘴饞,又不想大老遠地跑去排隊時,不妨在家自己做做看(文末附影片)。 Apart from pineapple cake, Taiwan's castella cake has become another must-buy item on the island. This old-time local flavour is super soft and fluffy with moistness and a mouthwatering smell of egg that you can hardly resist. By the way, this is a kind of cake which is good-eating, good-smelling, but not necessarily good-looking. You can search for "Tamsui original castella cake" first to make sure you can accept its look before following the recipe here. (See the video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ing...