湯圓做法可以很複雜,也可以很簡單。湯圓在漢文化裡象徵團圓,是每當元宵節、冬至與婚宴喜慶常見的傳統美食。這裡就以最受台灣人喜愛的黑芝麻湯圓食譜為例,和大家分享如何以最簡單的方法製作出美味絕不打折的流沙(香港稱流心)爆漿湯圓(附影片)。 Tang Yuan Recipe: How to Make Black Sesame Sweet Rice Dumplings AKA Tang Yuan As a symbol of togetherness, tang yuan (sweet rice dumpling) is a very popular traditional dessert for family gatherings, special occasions and holidays. Here's the easy recipe for black sesame tang yuan, which is particularly popular in Taiwan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 黑芝麻湯圓材料一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 未退冰的豬油(或稍微退冰的奶油)55 g 與糖粉 30 g 和黑芝麻粉 45 g 混合拌勻,分別揉成每顆約 10 g 的小圓球共 12 顆,冷凍至少兩小時。 Mix 55 g of cold lard or butter with 30 g of icing sugar and 45 g of black sesame powder. Divide the mixture into 12 equal pieces (each piece weighs around 10 g), and round them. Leave them in a freezer for at least 2 h...
── 多元臺灣。全球在地。美食文化 Cooking and Baking Tutorials from Multicultural Taiwan