🔹 芋 泥 小時候 常跟著父親去吃宴席 滑順的熱芋泥 是最常見的甜點料理 現在 常見的甜點已換成了冰淇淋 美好的古早味 只能靠你我來共同追尋 芋泥可以是甜的,也可以是鹹的(例如「芋泥鴨」);可以是冷的,也可以是熱的;可以當作餡料,也可以直接吃。稱之為「萬用芋泥」實在當之無愧。芋泥要採用檳榔心芋頭來製作,才能達到最好吃的境界。臺灣最有名的大甲芋頭,產期是每年的八月到三月,屏東高樹的芋頭產期則是三月到八月。買當季生產的芋頭,最好還帶有一些濕濕的土在表皮上,這種芋頭做出來的芋泥會最好吃。我們這裡示範的芋泥餡配方,可直接用做月餅、麵包、包子等等點心的餡,如果再加一些鮮奶稀釋均勻,也可用來做為蛋糕或吐司(三明治)的餡。至於熱芋泥,則可不加油蔥酥,改加一些椰子奶及西谷米,變成南洋風的冷飲哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Taro Paste Used to go to banquets with Dad when I was little. Smooth hot taro paste was the most common dessert. Alas, it has usually been replaced by ice cream. Good old-time flavours can only be retrieved by you and me. Taro paste (orh nee), used as filling or eaten directly, can be served sweet or savoury (such as the fried duck with taro stuffing), hot or cold. That's why it is called the "handy taro paste". In order to attain its highest level of deliciousness, a certain kind of taro (Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum) has to be used. Taiwan's most famous Dajia taros are harvested between August and Ma...
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