🔹 芋頭餅 小時候和家人去北埔玩水 媽媽都會順道買些芋頭餅給我當零嘴 不但餡料滿滿而且外皮酥脆 美好時光總是令人一再回味 芋頭餅(芋仔餅)是臺灣客家人的一種傳統月餅,如果把內餡換成地瓜餡,就成了蕃薯餅或地瓜餅。芋頭餅看起來很像臺灣的月光餅,不過芋頭餅的外型較挺、內餡較飽滿,餅皮吃起來也比較酥脆。在物資匱乏的年代,中秋節吃成本比較便宜的芋頭餅賞月,是一種勤儉持家的做法。然而,時至今日,這種超低熱量、不油不膩的樸素月餅反而好處多多,不但好吃,而且吃了也比較不會變胖、比較健康哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Taro Mooncake Used to go play with water near Beipu with my family. Mom always bought some taro mooncakes for me. Crispy crust went so well with hearty taro paste filling. Great moments are always worth remembering. Taro mooncake is a kind of traditional mooncake of Taiwanese Hakka people. The filling can also be replaced with sweet potato paste to become sweet potato mooncake. Taro mooncake looks like Taiwanese moonlight cake. But taro mooncake is thicker, and its crust is crisper as well. In the past, eating cheaper taro mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival (the Moon Festival) used to be a way of saving money during hard times. However, it's very beneficial to eat this kind of simple mooncake nowadays since it's not o...
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