🔹 芋 粿 「來買芋粿、菜頭粿、鹹甜粿...」 那是小時候常聽到的街頭叫賣廣播 但我從來沒有去買過 因為我最愛吃的是媽媽牌芋粿 芋頭糕 (芋粿) 與蘿蔔糕 (菜頭粿) 是臺灣人過年時很常做來吃的兩種鹹年糕。每年的冬天,剛好是大甲芋頭的產期,買當季的芋頭,芋頭較煮得爛。如果沒當季,也可以買別處生產的芋頭,或是買冷凍保存的芋頭來用。我們這裡就為大家介紹怎樣用在來米粉做出臺灣閩南人愛吃的芋頭糕。做好的芋頭糕可以直接吃,也可以煎來吃或煮湯哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Taro Cake (Orh Kueh) "Come buy the taro cake, radish cake, salty and sweet rice cake..." That was the familiar sound from food truck speakers when I was little. But I have never bought them. Since my favourite has always been the taro cake Mum made. Taro cake (orh kueh) and radish cake are two kinds of salty rice cake that Taiwanese people often make for the lunar new year. Winter happens to be the harvest time for the famous Taiwanese Dajia taros. Taro roots are softer after being cooked if you buy them in season. If the timing is not right, you can also buy the taros grown elsewhere or those preserved in a freezer. Here, we show you how to use rice flour to make Taiwanese Hoklo (Holo/Hokkien) people's favourite taro cake. The taro c...
── 多元臺灣。全球在地。美食文化 Cooking and Baking Tutorials from Multicultural Taiwan