油飯如果要好吃,需要聞起來香氣十足、令人垂涎三尺,而且吃起來既不會太乾、也不會太黏。這裡的油飯做法,是以做出臺灣大稻埕賣的古早味油飯版本為目標,透過好幾次的試驗才得到的結果。這個版本的古早味油飯特別可口美味,但由於糯米本身的升糖指數很高,也不太容易消化,為了健康與身材考量,最好還是適量享用即可,別一次吃七碗哦😊(文末附影片) Delicious Taiwanese glutinous oil rice smells really great and has a texture that is neither too dry nor too sticky. Here, I aim to replicate the famous old-taste glutinous oil rice sold in Twatutia. The recipe is a result of hard work and a great deal of trial and error. It will not let you down. (See video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 製作古早味油飯的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 把長糯米洗過,泡水四小時,瀝乾備用。 Wash and soak the long-grain glutinous rice for 4 hours. Drain the rice and set aside. (2) 乾香菇泡水二十分鐘。 Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water for 20 minutes. 可在香菇上方放一個小盤子,將香菇壓入水中。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com (3) 把豬肉切絲,與玉米粉和醬油拌勻,醃十分鐘。 Shred the pork and mix it well with c...
── 多元臺灣。全球在地。美食文化 Cooking and Baking Tutorials from Multicultural Taiwan