◆ 鹹湯圓 客家先民勤於農務 需補鹽分又能飽足 冬節元宵嫁娶祭祖 共下傳承圓滿幸福 鹹湯圓是客家人愛吃的一道古早味料理,也是臺灣最有名的傳統客家美食之一。早期因為客家人常常做農事,流很多汗,也很快餓,鹹湯圓有鹽、有油,而且用較慢消化的糯米製成,不但可補充汗水流失的鹽分,也讓人較不容易感到餓。傳統上,娶媳婦或嫁女兒的時候,主人家也會準備鹹湯圓,供來幫忙的親戚朋友吃,如果有嫁出去的姊妹,還可利用此機會齊聚一堂搓湯圓。每年冬至和正月十五,還一定要用湯圓拜祖先,感覺就像同祖先團圓一樣。鹹湯圓,就是幸福的傳承。(文末附影片) ◆ Savoury Tang Yuan Originating with diligent sweaty ancient Hakka farmers, A savoury dish to nourish life and satisfy stomachs. During festivals, worship, and wedding days, Pass down the taste of happiness and completeness. Savoury tang yuan is one of Hakka people's favourite dishes, which is made of white and red small sticky rice balls with a hearty hot pot. In early times, savoury and oily dishes were very popular with diligent sweaty Hakka farmers. Sticky rice food could satisfy their stomachs easily as well. Since then, savoury tang yuan has become an almost indispensable dish on important days for Hakka people. For example, it's usually served to relatives and friends who c...
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