

目前顯示的是 6月, 2019的文章

綠豆沙做法(綠豆沙餡) How to Make Mung Bean Paste

綠豆沙餡是製作豆沙包、綠豆沙鍋餅、 綠豆椪 、(金) 月娘酥 …等的最重要食材之一。自製綠豆沙餡的 CP 值超高的,簡單的步驟,就能對好吃與否產生關鍵性的影響😋。自己做過後,就再也不會想買市面上現成的綠豆沙餡了哦~(文末附影片) Mung bean paste (filling) is one of the most important ingredients for making steamed bean paste buns, pan-fried pies, mung bean pastries , golden moon lady pastries , etc. Making mung bean paste at home is very easy. However, it has a huge impact on your final products 😋. Once you've done it by yourself, you won't buy premade mung bean paste on the market any longer~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 材 料(Ingredients): 市面上有販售已去皮好的綠豆仁。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com 步 驟(Steps): (1) 綠豆仁洗淨後,於室溫(約 25°C)泡水(約 300g)三小時。若室溫過高需縮短浸泡時間。若泡超過三小時需放冰箱冷藏。 After the mung bean kernels have been washed, soak them with about 300g of water under room temperature (about 25°C) for 3 hours. If the temperature is too high, the soaking time ...

胡椒餅做法(蔥肉餅) How to Make Pepper Buns

胡椒餅做法相傳源自於福建福州,臺灣人稱之為胡椒餅或福州餅,福州人稱之為蔥肉餅。不論是胡椒餅或蔥肉餅,都是當地著名的街頭美食或必吃的夜市小吃。「胡椒餅」名稱的由來,除了源自其招牌的胡椒香味以外,也是由於「胡椒餅」與「福州餅」的臺灣話發音十分相近。市面上常見的胡椒餅多以炭火及圓形鐵桶烤製而成。然而,其實我們也可以自己在家用烤箱自製,只要照著我們這裡的食譜與步驟,就能做出外皮酥脆可口、內餡香濃多汁的胡椒餅,不用大老遠跑去排隊,也能吃到幸福的滋味~(文末附影片) Taiwan's pepper buns or Fuzhou buns allegedly originated in Fuzhou, Fujian, where they are called "scallion and pork buns". Both in Taiwan and Fuzhou, they have become one of the most famous street snacks or night-market must-eats. They are called "pepper buns" not only because of the signature flavour of pepper but also because of the similar pronunciations of "pepper" and "Fuzhou" in Taiwanese. The pepper buns we bought on the street are usually made with a coal-fired big circular iron bucket. Actually, they can also be made with an oven at home. Just follow our recipe and steps, and you can make your own crispy and juicy pepper buns by yourself without joining the queues on the street any longer. . . . . . ....