

目前顯示的是 9月, 2019的文章

巧克力鬆餅做法(比利時列日鬆餅)How to Make Chocolate Waffles (Liege Waffles)

◆ 巧克力列日鬆餅  當麵粉遇上酵母  當珍珠糖遇上巧克力  列日小鎮沒有烈日  只有滿滿的美味回憶  列日鬆餅的起源,據傳是在十八世紀時,由比利時東部城鎮列日(Liège)的一位廚師所研發出來的。其最大特色,就是採用酵母發酵所產生的介於餅乾與麵包之間的紮實口感,以及它表皮上裹著的那一層烤得酥酥脆脆的珍珠糖衣,如果搭配自製的巧克力甘納許一起服用,絕妙的口感與味道,實在令人回味無窮。一起來自製無泡打粉的(巧克力口味)比利時列日鬆餅吧~(文末附影片) ◆ Chocolate Liege Waffles   When yeast meets flour,  When chocolate meets pearl sugar,  It's always pleasant in Liège  With the most memorable flavour.  Liège waffles allegedly originated in Liège, a small city in Eastern Belgium, in the 18th century. Its greatest features include the chewier texture between biscuit and bread (from the use of yeast) and the pearl sugar which caramelises on the outside of the waffle when baked. They are perfect to go with homemade ganache, which can complement the waffle's texture and result in one of your most memorable flavours. Now, come along and make (chocolate-flavoured) Belgian Liege waffles at home. (See video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

巧克力醬做法(甘納許)How to Make Ganache

◆ 巧克力甘納許   我親愛的甘納許  為何沒有冷藏 就失去了你的鮮度  一定是因為我把精製油換成了鮮奶油  但我只會因此而更加愛你  市售的巧克力醬,如果不用冷藏保存也不會壞,那就通常不是以天然的可可脂製成,而是採用「代可可脂」,例如氫化精製的棕櫚油或椰子油等,但它們的香氣、味道與口感滑順度都會差很多,而且還有反式脂肪的疑慮。因此,現在就跟我們一起來自製純正天然的巧克力醬(甘納許)吧~(附影片) ◆ Ganache   My dear ganache,  Why do I lose your freshness without refrigeration?  Must be the cream instead of refined oil.  But I will only love you even more.   If the chocolate spread on the market doesn't need to be preserved in a fridge, it's usually made of refined oil, such as refined palm oil or coconut oil, rather than cocoa butter, which has much more flavour and can give the spread a smoother texture. On top of that, you don't need to worry about the risk of trans fats with natural cocoa butter. So come along and let's make genuine natural chocolate ganache at home. (See video tutorial at the end.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

月娘酥做法(金沙酥)How to Make Golden Moon Pastries

◆ 月娘酥   每逢佳節倍思親  老家是否安好如昔  就讓如月色般美麗的餡料與餅皮  療癒渴望被愛的人心  月娘酥(又名月娘餅、金沙酥...等)是近年臺灣興起的新版蛋黃酥,其特色在於把傳統蛋黃酥的紅豆沙餡換成了更清爽不油的綠豆沙餡,並將 鹹蛋黃 處理成碎沙狀,與 綠豆沙餡 混在一起,餅皮更撒上了黃豆粉一起烘烤,使得整顆月娘酥從裡到外都有如月色般美麗,吃起來口感更是入口即化,味道香而不膩。現在,就跟著我們的食譜自己在家做吧~(附影片) ◆  Golden Moon Pastries   Miss dear ones more on festive occasions.  Is everything all right at the old home?  Let's heal the hearts yearning to be loved  With the gorgeous moon-like filling and crust.  Golden moon pastry, which is like a new version of yolk pastry, is very popular in Taiwan in recent years. Its filling is made of crushed golden salted egg yolks and mung bean paste , which is very light and refreshing, instead of adzuki bean paste. The skin of its crust is also covered with a layer of soya bean flour, which makes the pastry looks like it's shining with golden moon light from inside to outside. Not to mention the aromatic flavour and texture of it melting in your mouth. Now, follow our recipe and make it on your own at home. . . . ....