🔹 油蔥醬 還記得童年每當肚子餓的時候 打開冰箱總能找到媽媽準備的油蔥醬 舀上一匙加醬油膏來拌乾麵 就是最讓我黯然消魂的懷念古早味 油蔥酥或油蔥醬(香蔥油)是許多古早味美食不可或缺的要素,包括粄粽、肉粽、菜包、炒米粉、油飯、粄條、乾麵、湯麵、蘿蔔糕、芋頭糕......等等,都少不了這一味,堪稱客家料理甚或臺式料理的靈魂。然而,市售的油蔥酥與油蔥醬大多有油耗味,也無法確定用油的好壞,自己做的不但比較美味,吃起來也較安心。紅蔥頭的部分,最好挑選外型好看、沒有霉味、沒有芽眼的臺灣紅蔥頭。臺灣本土生產的紅蔥頭,香氣遠勝過進口的紅蔥頭,大約在每年的正月前後開始收成,這個時節可以多買一些用網袋吊起來慢慢用。至於豬油則可以向熟識的豬肉攤買肥肉來自己煸,也可以買比較值得信賴的品牌的現成豬油,或者使用其它可以耐高溫的植物油。只要家中冰箱常備一罐自製的油蔥醬,就能隨時隨地讓料理多一絲懷念的古早味哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Shallot Oil Still remember every time I felt hungry when I was little, In the fridge, there was always a jar of Mum-made shallot oil. I used to add a scoop of it with some thick soya sauce to the dry noodles, Which exactly represented my most memorable old-time flavours. Fried shallots and shallot oil are indispensable ingredients for many old-time Taiwanese dishes, such as guo-zong, zongzi, caozaiguo, stir-fried rice noodles, glutinous oil rice, flat noodles, dry noodles, noodle soup, radish cake, taro cake, etc. They can be called the soul of Hakka dishes or even Taiwanese d
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