🔹 碗 粿 雖然現在已經越來越少見 粿的軟嫩口感搭配菜脯的爽口清脆 這種最簡單質樸的美好古早味 就是媽和我都愛的臺灣北部碗粿 臺灣閩南人講的「碗粿」,就是客家人講的「水粄」,但是臺灣北部碗粿 (水粄) 的傳統做法與臺南碗粿不太一樣。臺南碗粿會把配料放在碗粿裡面,但是北部碗粿 (水粄) 會把配料放在碗粿上面。臺南碗粿的配料比較豐富,北部碗粿 (水粄) 的配料比較簡單。我這裡示範的北部碗粿配料是最簡單的版本,可以自己再增加其它的配料,例如豆干、韭菜等等。如果要做甜碗粿(甜水粄),就改成加一點點鹽,另加半碗(60g)的黑糖,與米和水一起打成米漿,加熱糊化後蒸熟即可,不用再加其它的鹹配料。另外,這裡示範的菜脯 (蘿蔔乾) ,除了可用來做碗粿 (水粄) 以外,也可以用來煎菜脯蛋或包粽子。碗粿 (水粄) 配上自己做的菜脯 (蘿蔔乾) ,不但好吃,而且也不用擔心防腐劑的問題哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Wa Gui Despite its increasing rareness nowadays, Crunchy dried radish with soft and springy rice cake, This dish of simple and minimalist good old taste Is me and Mum's favourite northern Taiwan wa gui. Taiwanese wa gui (savoury rice pudding) is also called "shui ban" by Hakka people in Taiwan. But its traditional style in northern Taiwan is different from the one in Tainan. Tainan's wa gui has its fillings inside while northern Taiwan's wa gui goes with some toppings only. The fillings of Tainan wa gui are rich and abundant while the toppings of northern Taiwan ...
── 多元臺灣。全球在地。美食文化 Cooking and Baking Tutorials from Multicultural Taiwan