司康(Scone),又名司康餅或英式鬆餅,是傳統的英國 Cream Tea 下午茶的主角。但由於現在市面上的司康通常是由泡打粉(Baking Powder,俗稱發粉)製成,因此一般我們對司康的印象就是又乾又硬的西點,還可能帶有泡打粉的微微苦味,彷彿是純粹用來充饑的食物,與健康、美味毫無關聯。然而我們這邊介紹的葡萄乾司康食譜做法,採用比較健康的酵母粉來取代化學的泡打粉,烤好後的司康口感不但外酥內軟,而且濕潤不乾口,剛烤好時,其濃郁醇厚的奶蛋香還會瀰漫整個房子,是款秒殺的甜點(文末附影片)。
Never knew raisin scones could be so tasty until having made this crisp outside, moist inside version. Here is the recipe with English translations.
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材 料(Ingredients):
(可做成 8 塊司康)(For 8 Servings)
* 已過篩的高筋麵粉(Sifted High-gluten Flour):250 g
* 冷藏過的無鹽奶油,切丁(Diced Chilled Unsalted Butter):80 g
* 砂糖(Sugar):40 g
* 速發乾酵母粉(Instant Dry Yeast):5 g
* 鹽(Salt):2 g
* 全蛋液(Beaten Eggs):40 g
* 35% 動物性鮮奶油(35% Whipping Cream):120 g
* 葡萄乾,泡水十分鐘瀝乾(Raisins, Presoaked for 10 Mins & Dried):60 g
司康食材一覽。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
步 驟(Steps):
Mix up all of the ingredients sequentially and slightly knead them into a manageable dough. Don't over-knead it.
找個比較深的鍋子,放入麵粉與奶油一起搓揉。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
加入所有的材料後,可先用刮刀攪拌攪拌均勻。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Keep the dough in a plastic bag immediately. Seal it and leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes.
密封袋最好事先準備好,揉好麵糰後馬上放入,以免麵糰變乾。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Use your hands to slightly press out the dough. Sprinkle some flour over it. Cut it into 3 equal pieces and stack them up. Slightly press them out again.
Use your hands to slightly press out the dough. Sprinkle some flour over it. Cut it into 3 equal pieces and stack them up. Slightly press them out again.
把麵糰稍微壓平後,在上方撒一些麵粉。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
把麵糰切成三等分。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
切好後疊起來,再稍微壓平一次。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Keep the dough in a bag. Seal it and leave it in a fridge for 8 to 12 hours.
記得麵糰揉壓好後要馬上密封哦~ 圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
以上火 200 度、下火 160 度預熱烤箱(若烤箱不分上下火,則設定 180 度即可)。將麵糰切成八等分。此時在其表面刷上蛋液可讓烤好後的司康表皮發亮(可省略)。
Preheat an oven to a top heat of 200°C and a bottom heat of 160°C, or 180°C overall. Cut the dough into 8 equal pieces. It's optional to apply some egg wash on top of them to achieve the golden shine.
以上火 200 度、下火 160 度預熱烤箱(若烤箱不分上下火,則設定 180 度即可)。將麵糰切成八等分。此時在其表面刷上蛋液可讓烤好後的司康表皮發亮(可省略)。
Preheat an oven to a top heat of 200°C and a bottom heat of 160°C, or 180°C overall. Cut the dough into 8 equal pieces. It's optional to apply some egg wash on top of them to achieve the golden shine.
把麵糰從冰箱取出後切成八等分。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
把切好的麵糰放在烤盤的烘焙紙上塗蛋液。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將切好的麵糰放入預熱好的烤箱,以上火 200°C、下火 160°C 烤 15 分鐘(若烤箱不分上下火,則設定 180 度即可),再以上火 160°C、下火 160°C 烤 5 分鐘,即大功告成。
Bake them in a preheated oven with a top heat of 200°C and a bottom heat of 160°C, or 180°C overall, for 15 minutes. Then set the top heat temperature to 160°C, or 160°C overall, and bake them for another 5 minutes before serving them. Voila!
將切好的麵糰放入預熱好的烤箱,以上火 200°C、下火 160°C 烤 15 分鐘(若烤箱不分上下火,則設定 180 度即可),再以上火 160°C、下火 160°C 烤 5 分鐘,即大功告成。
Bake them in a preheated oven with a top heat of 200°C and a bottom heat of 160°C, or 180°C overall, for 15 minutes. Then set the top heat temperature to 160°C, or 160°C overall, and bake them for another 5 minutes before serving them. Voila!
將切好的麵糰放入預熱好的烤箱,先以上火 200°C 、下火 160°C 烤 15 分鐘。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
然後將上火調為 160°C,再烤 5 分鐘,即大功告成囉~ 圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
烤好的司康餅。圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
看得出酥軟的質感嗎?圖片來源 Source: cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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You can keep the scones in a freezer for several days. Before serving them again, just move them to a fridge and leave them there for about 8 hours, then steam them wrapped in foil for 3 minutes and bake them without foil for another 2 minutes.
傳統上,英國人會先用手把司康餅剝成上下兩半,再剝出一口咬的大小,抹上果醬與打發後的鮮奶油(動物性鮮奶油加 10% 的糖,以打蛋器打發)再食用。但我們這個版本的司康,口感外酥內軟又濕潤不乾口,不用額外抹任何配料就很好吃了。
傳統上,英國人會先用手把司康餅剝成上下兩半,再剝出一口咬的大小,抹上果醬與打發後的鮮奶油(動物性鮮奶油加 10% 的糖,以打蛋器打發)再食用。但我們這個版本的司康,口感外酥內軟又濕潤不乾口,不用額外抹任何配料就很好吃了。
恭喜網友 stella_o5 試做成功!Congratulations on stella_o5's success!
圖片來源(Source of the Picture): instagram.com/stella_o5 |
恭喜網友 jasminum_food 試做成功!Congratulations on jasminum_food's success!
圖片來源(Source of the Picture): instagram.com/jasminum_food |
回覆刪除原則上可以,只是分量要少10%左右,香氣會比較不足 😊😊😊
回覆刪除一般司康的做法,很多都是只加鮮奶,沒有加鮮奶油的(可上網搜尋"Scone Ingredients"看看英文世界的食譜資料即知)。當初,我們選用鮮奶油只是為了增加司康的香氣與酥脆度,這是個人配方選擇的問題。如果有讀者不想使用鮮奶油,可能有其特殊考量或為難之處,例如,住家附近不方便買到鮮奶油,或者,想降低司康的脂肪含量(已經有很多奶油了,不用擔心脂肪不足)等等,那麼,當然也未嘗不可,只是美味程度的細微差別罷了。
跟你的食譜做scone, 成功,好味!謝謝你!
回覆刪除我這裡用的是即溶快發酵母粉,不需要泡溫水醒發,乾酵母才需要,若有興趣的話可以自行搜尋一下兩者差別 😊
刪除您好~請問把麵糰切成三等分疊起來壓平一次就好了嗎?& 把麵糰從冰箱取出後切成八等分時麵團的厚度約幾公分呢?
回覆刪除1. 是的。2. 目測約兩到三公分左右。😊