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Learn how to make super crispy and soft pineapple cake, one of Taiwan's most popular desserts, to its perfection. Here are the detailed instructions. (See the video tutorial at the end.)
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材 料(Ingredients):
(可做成 12 塊鳳梨酥)(For 12 Pineapple Cakes)
(1) 內餡(Filling):
* 去皮新鮮鳳梨(Peeled Fresh Pineapple):440 g
* 砂糖(Fine Sugar):110 g
* 檸檬汁(Lemon Juice):22 g
* 水麥芽(Glucose Syrup):33 g
(2) 酥皮(Pastry):
* 無鹽奶油(Unsalted Butter):105 g
步 驟(Steps):
鳳梨去皮去芯,切細粒狀,濾掉湯汁,加入砂糖與檸檬汁拌勻,冷藏約 4 小時。
Peel the pineapple and remove the core. Dice and drain it. Mix in the fine sugar and the lemon juice. Keep the mixture in a closed pan or box in a fridge for about 4 hours.
預熱烤箱至 175°C,分別用手把內餡與酥皮麵團分成 12 等分後搓圓,內餡每一等分大約 20 公克,酥皮麵團每一等分大約 30 公克。
Preheat an oven to 175°C. Divide the filling and dough into 12 equal pieces respectively. Round them.
極速版做法影片 Short Version Video:
加長版做法影片 Long Version Video:
附 註(Footnotes):
Divide the egg yolks into two portions and mix them with the flour one by one when you are making the pastry. The pastry will become more crispy this way.
If you can't find square cake moulds, you can cut some cardboard and wrap them with foil paper to make the moulds.
材 料(Ingredients):
(可做成 12 塊鳳梨酥)(For 12 Pineapple Cakes)
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製作鳳梨酥的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
(1) 內餡(Filling):
* 去皮新鮮鳳梨(Peeled Fresh Pineapple):440 g
* 砂糖(Fine Sugar):110 g
* 檸檬汁(Lemon Juice):22 g
* 水麥芽(Glucose Syrup):33 g
* 無鹽奶油(Unsalted Butter):15 g
* 無鹽奶油(Unsalted Butter):105 g
* 糖粉(Icing Sugar):35 g
* 鹽(Salt):少許(One Pinch)
* 蛋黃(Egg Yolk):40 g* 全脂奶粉(Milk Powder):30 g
* 中筋麵粉(Plain Flour):20 g* 低筋麵粉(Cake Flour):140 g
鳳梨去皮去芯,切細粒狀,濾掉湯汁,加入砂糖與檸檬汁拌勻,冷藏約 4 小時。
Peel the pineapple and remove the core. Dice and drain it. Mix in the fine sugar and the lemon juice. Keep the mixture in a closed pan or box in a fridge for about 4 hours.
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切好後,濾掉多餘的湯汁(可另外喝,別浪費)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
冷藏後的鳳梨加入水麥芽,開大火滾開後轉中小火,繼續熬煮約 30 分鐘,邊熬邊用湯勺攪拌與搗壓,避免底部燒焦,起鍋前 5 分鐘加入奶油拌勻。
Mix in the glucose syrup. Bring the mixture to the boil, then turn down the heat to mid-low level. Keep boiling, stirring and pounding the mixture for about 30 minutes. Mix in the butter 5 minutes ahead of turning the heat off.
冷藏後的鳳梨加入水麥芽,開大火滾開後轉中小火,繼續熬煮約 30 分鐘,邊熬邊用湯勺攪拌與搗壓,避免底部燒焦,起鍋前 5 分鐘加入奶油拌勻。
Mix in the glucose syrup. Bring the mixture to the boil, then turn down the heat to mid-low level. Keep boiling, stirring and pounding the mixture for about 30 minutes. Mix in the butter 5 minutes ahead of turning the heat off.
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轉中小火後,用湯杓邊攪拌邊搗壓。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Out of the pan. Spread it out. Leave it to cool off at room temperature.
Out of the pan. Spread it out. Leave it to cool off at room temperature.
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可用刮刀將熬好的內餡鋪平。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
用來製作酥皮的奶油在室溫放軟後,用打蛋器打散,依序混入糖粉、鹽、蛋黃(蛋黃分兩次加入,先拌勻後再加第二次)、奶粉拌勻。篩入低筋麵粉與中筋麵粉後,改用刮刀由底部往上劃圈拌勻。用手拌勻整理後,密封冷藏約 30 分鐘。
Soften the butter for pastry at room temperature. Mix in icing sugar, salt, egg yolks, milk powder, sifted cake flour, and sifted plain flour. Slightly knead them into a manageable dough. Leave the dough in a fridge for about 30 minutes.
用來製作酥皮的奶油在室溫放軟後,用打蛋器打散,依序混入糖粉、鹽、蛋黃(蛋黃分兩次加入,先拌勻後再加第二次)、奶粉拌勻。篩入低筋麵粉與中筋麵粉後,改用刮刀由底部往上劃圈拌勻。用手拌勻整理後,密封冷藏約 30 分鐘。
Soften the butter for pastry at room temperature. Mix in icing sugar, salt, egg yolks, milk powder, sifted cake flour, and sifted plain flour. Slightly knead them into a manageable dough. Leave the dough in a fridge for about 30 minutes.
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用刮刀由底部往上劃圈拌勻。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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將麵團密封冷藏約 30 分鐘。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
預熱烤箱至 175°C,分別用手把內餡與酥皮麵團分成 12 等分後搓圓,內餡每一等分大約 20 公克,酥皮麵團每一等分大約 30 公克。
Preheat an oven to 175°C. Divide the filling and dough into 12 equal pieces respectively. Round them.
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將麵團分成 12 等分後搓圓。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將分好的小麵團壓成外緣較薄、中間較厚(約 2 到 3 公厘)的薄片,包入內餡後,搓圓,放入鳳梨酥模型內壓平,壓出四個角,麵團高度略低於模型的高度。
Roll out each piece of the dough and press out each one of them to a thickness of 2 to 3 mm. Fold each piece of the filling into each piece of the dough. Round them. Fit them into square cake moulds.
將分好的小麵團壓成外緣較薄、中間較厚(約 2 到 3 公厘)的薄片,包入內餡後,搓圓,放入鳳梨酥模型內壓平,壓出四個角,麵團高度略低於模型的高度。
Roll out each piece of the dough and press out each one of them to a thickness of 2 to 3 mm. Fold each piece of the filling into each piece of the dough. Round them. Fit them into square cake moulds.
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放入內餡後,將麵團皮折合起來搓圓。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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四個角落的空隙要填滿,烤出來才會好看。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
放入烤箱,以上下火皆 170 度烤約 15 分鐘,翻面,再烤 5 分鐘,關火,燜 3 分鐘後出爐放涼即可。
Bake them in a 170°C oven for 15 minutes. Flip them over. Bake them for another 5 minutes. After heat off, leave them in the oven for another 3 minutes. Then, voila.
放入烤箱,以上下火皆 170 度烤約 15 分鐘,翻面,再烤 5 分鐘,關火,燜 3 分鐘後出爐放涼即可。
Bake them in a 170°C oven for 15 minutes. Flip them over. Bake them for another 5 minutes. After heat off, leave them in the oven for another 3 minutes. Then, voila.
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戴棉布手套翻面,避免燙傷。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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烤好的鳳梨酥。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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超酥軟鳳梨酥的內部實況。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
極速版做法影片 Short Version Video:
加長版做法影片 Long Version Video:
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將切好的鳳梨冷藏放四小時可有助於其較快熬出膠質與收乾,若沒時間這麼做,亦可直接熬煮,熬好後大約重 250 到 270 公克(喜歡濕潤口感的人不用熬得太乾;喜歡 Q 彈口感的人可以熬乾一點)。
You don't need to keep the raw pineapple mixture in a fridge for 4 hours if you don't have time. However, you'll need to simmer the mixture longer to make it thick. The mixture needs to weigh around 250 g to 270 g after being simmered.
將切好的鳳梨冷藏放四小時可有助於其較快熬出膠質與收乾,若沒時間這麼做,亦可直接熬煮,熬好後大約重 250 到 270 公克(喜歡濕潤口感的人不用熬得太乾;喜歡 Q 彈口感的人可以熬乾一點)。
You don't need to keep the raw pineapple mixture in a fridge for 4 hours if you don't have time. However, you'll need to simmer the mixture longer to make it thick. The mixture needs to weigh around 250 g to 270 g after being simmered.
Divide the egg yolks into two portions and mix them with the flour one by one when you are making the pastry. The pastry will become more crispy this way.
If you can't find square cake moulds, you can cut some cardboard and wrap them with foil paper to make the moulds.
The filling can be kept and preserved in a fridge for about one month. The pineapple cake can be preserved in an airtight container for about a month at room temperature.
The filling can be kept and preserved in a fridge for about one month. The pineapple cake can be preserved in an airtight container for about a month at room temperature.
恭喜網友 Rita Hsu 試做成功! Congratulations on Rita's success!
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圖片來源(Source of the Picture): www.facebook.com/rita.hsu |
恭喜網友 chubimamia 試做成功! Congratulations on chubimamia's success!
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圖片來源(Source of the Picture): www.instagram.com/chubimamia/ |
恭喜網友 馨方 試做成功! Congratulations on Shinfan's success!
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圖片來源(Source of the Picture): www.facebook.com/shinfan.hsu |
回覆刪除捏製技巧、烤焙溫度(烤箱不同)、餡料濕度都有可能造成上述你提到的問題,如果有提供成品和餡料的照片,可以更快找到答案。可到 FB 或 IG 搜尋 Cooking23s,傳照片給我看看。😊
刪除Do the molds have to stay in the oven when cakes are being baked? I was thinking about using other plastic molds. Thank you.
回覆刪除Better bake with the molds to keep the shape unless you don't care about the shape at all. 😊
刪除Thank you so much
刪除I really appreciate your prompt response. I used moon cake molds and baked today. The result is satisfying. The cakes were able to hold the shape. Just the top color not as golden brown.
刪除Congratulations! You can try to adjust the color by adjusting the oven temperature according to its characteristics. 😊
刪除Will try! Thank you again!