貢丸做法並沒有想像中那麼簡單,但只要掌握訣竅,自己在家用麵包機也能做出復刻板的新竹貢丸。自製貢丸成功的關鍵就在於瘦肉與肥肉的乳化過程是否成功,這從外觀就能大致看出:貢丸表面越粗糙,吃起來的口感越鬆散;貢丸表面越細緻則代表乳化越成功,吃起來的口感越 Q 彈。一樣是豬肉丸子,貢丸口感跟獅子頭口感應該是完全不一樣的。至於,為什麼要自己做貢丸呢?因為,貢丸是加工食品。當我們自己做了貢丸,才會明瞭,製作一顆貢丸的成本(還不包括食品添加物),比外面賣的市價還要高很多,那麼,為什麼外面可以賣那麼便宜呢??
Let's learn how to make bouncy pork balls (gong-wan), one of Taiwan's most famous local delicacies, without any chemical additives by using a simple bread machine. These juicy, bouncy pork balls are not your average meatballs. Just follow our tips, and it will be as easy as it gets.
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材 料(Ingredients):
自製貢丸食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
最適合使用的肥豬肉部位是豬板油,如果買不到豬板油也可用五花肉的肥肉部位替代。另外,皺褶比較多的肥肉可能是韌性很強的筋膜,千萬別使用。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
步 驟(Steps):
取 100 公克的肥豬肉與 300 公克的瘦豬肉(最好是去除筋膜的豬後腿肉),分別用可以打肉的果汁機(或調理機)打爛(別打太久,以保留適度纖維),分別冷凍 30 分鐘。
Grind 100 g of pork fat and 300 g of lean pork (pork leg, membrane removed) with a blender (or food processor) respectively. Leave them in a freezer for 30 minutes respectively.
如果用的是五花肉的肥肉,要記得去皮。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
打好後的肥肉。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
要記得去除瘦肉上的筋膜,否則做出來的貢丸會有很多難以下嚥的組織。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
打好後的瘦肉。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
在麵包機的內鍋外圍放入冰過的冰敷墊,鍋內放入冰過的瘦絞肉與 8 公克的鹽,以打麵糰模式攪打兩分鐘,其間可不時用橡膠刮刀協助拌勻。
Surround the inner pot of a bread machine with freezing cold packs. Leave the ground pork leg in the pot. Add 8 g of salt. Allow the bread machine to mix and knead them for 2 minutes. Use a rubber or silicone spatula to help from time to time.
冰敷墊可協助保持低溫,以利於打出瘦肉的蛋白分子,也有助於肥肉與瘦肉的乳化作用。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
有些角落的打不到的地方需要動手以刮刀協助拌勻。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
加入冰過的肥絞肉以及 35 公克的蛋白(約一顆蛋的蛋白),以打麵糰模式繼續攪打四分鐘,其間同樣不時用橡膠刮刀協助拌勻。
Add in the ground pork fat and 35 g of egg white. Allow the bread machine to mix and knead them for another 4 minutes. Use a rubber or silicone spatula to help from time to time.
攪打過程中如果有發現未去除完全的筋膜,要記得挑掉。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
加入 16 公克的砂糖、四分之一茶匙的大蒜粉、四分之一茶匙的白胡椒粉、二分之一茶匙的香油,以打麵糰模式繼續攪打兩分鐘,其間同樣不時用橡膠刮刀協助拌勻。打好後冷藏 30 分鐘(有助於肥瘦肉之間的乳化)。
Add in 16 g of fine sugar, 1/4 t of garlic powder, 1/4 t of ground white pepper, and 1/2 t of white sesame oil. Allow the bread machine to mix and knead them for another 2 minutes. Use a rubber or silicone spatula to help from time to time. Leave the mixture in a fridge for 30 minutes.
打好後的肉漿呈現粉紅色,質感黏稠細緻。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將一鍋水煮到大約 70 到 80 度左右,以中小火持續將水溫維持在這個溫度區間。將冰好的肉漿分別以虎口擠出成丸狀,以沾水的湯匙挖起來投入鍋中。
Heat a pot of water to around 70℃ or 80℃ and keep the temperature with medium-low heat. Press out the ground meat between the thumb and the index finger into little balls. Add the balls into the hot water with a wet spoon.
擠出肉漿的同時可用拇指轉動肉球,做出的貢丸會更有層次感。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
等全部的貢丸都浮起,再泡大約 10 分鐘後撈出,風乾放涼後冷藏(需再煮過才能食用)。
Keep the balls in the pot for another 10 minutes or so after floating. Take them out of the water to cool off. Store them in a fridge. (They need to be cooked again before being served.)
此時的水溫一樣要維持在 70 到 80 度左右。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
可加高湯與香菜或芹菜煮成貢丸湯。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
煮好的貢丸表面越細緻,通常口感越鮮嫩 Q 彈。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
說 明(Footnotes):
If you don't have a blender or food processor which is capable of handling meat, you can also buy ground meat instead. However, it would be much harder to remove the membrane.
Keeping the meat at a very low temperature when you mix and knead them with a bread machine is the key to success. It's best to turn on air-conditioning when the weather is hot.
You can't bring the water to the boil when you are making the pork balls. Otherwise, the pork balls' texture won't be tender enough.
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