🔹 Old-Time Syrup Soup
Remember the hot summer day back in my childhood.
Looked forward to the time Mum came back from the traditional market.
Would it be douhua, mitaimu, or apricot kernel jelly today?
The simplest heartwarming happiness with homemade old-time syrup soup.
Delicious syrup soup is not made by simply mixing together water and sugar. When I was very little, there used to be a shaved ice stall next door. I always smelt something particularly delicious every time I passed by. It came out later that the smell was from the old-time syrup soup, which was the most important factor to the taste of shaved ices. The syrup soup boiled with ginger can be used as douhua's soup. If you leave out the ginger, the syrup soup can be used for other kinds of sweet soups. If the amount of water in the ingredient list is reduced by half, the syrup soup can be drizzled over shaved ice to make the old-time sweet shaved ice. Served either hot or cold, it's definitely worth a shot. (See video tutorial at the end.)
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材 料(Ingredients):
製作臺式古早味糖水的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Wash a piece of old ginger and slice about 5g of it.
老薑的皮不用削掉,但可先切除一些外部的節點。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Leave the superfine white sugar in a heavy-bottomed stainless steel pot over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes. Don't stir it.
糖受熱逐漸融化的過程中不要去攪拌它,否則會反砂,反砂之後反而融化不了。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Stir the sugar gently. Turn the heat down to low level. Keep stirring the sugar until it becomes golden-brown syrup.
要注意別讓火侯太大,以免導致焦糖味過重。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Add the water, the local Taiwanese light brown sugar, and the sliced old ginger. Turn the heat up to medium level. Keep boiling them until the sugar has all melted.
此時可邊煮邊攪拌。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Take out the old ginger. Heat off. Let the syrup soup cool off at room temperature. If it is meant to be served cold, refrigerate it after it has cooled off. Then, voila!
煮好的古早味糖水。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
配上豆花就成了古早味豆花湯。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
原音重現版影片(請開字幕) Video Without Talking or Music (ASMR):
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 附 註(Footnotes):
You can reduce the amount of ginger used or even leave it out if you don't like spicy taste.
Use a heavy-bottomed pot so that the sugar won't be overcooked easily. Besides, superfine white sugar won't get burnt as easily as light brown sugar. Add water and light brown sugar afterwards to obtain the perfect flavour.
The light brown sugar (No. 2) on the market is usually imported from overseas. The local Taiwanese light brown sugar is made from Taiwanese sugar cane in the traditional way and has a special pleasant flavour. This kind of sugar has to be specifically ordered by phone or over the internet. If you can't find the local Taiwanese light brown sugar, you can use normal light brown sugar as well.
分裝成小包裝販售的臺灣本土貳號砂糖。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
恭喜網友 wewekuo 試做成功! Congratulations on wewekuo's success!
圖片來源(Source of the Picture): instagram.com/wewekuo |