
萬聖節餅乾做法(壁虎餅乾)How to Make Halloween Gecko Cookies


🔹 壁虎餅乾 

中秋過後 天氣漸漸變冷 


🔹 Gecko Cookies 
It's getting chiller after Mid-Autumn. 
Cold winter is just around the corner. 
Make some kids' favourite gecko cookies. 
Wish everyone in the coming year safe and healthy. 

All Saints' Day is celebrated on the 1st of November. All Saints' Eve, also known as Halloween, is celebrated on the 31st of October. It is widely believed that Halloween originated with the ancient British Celts, who believed it marked the eve of the beginning of winter. It was seen as a time when the boundary between this world and the otherworld thinned. So, the Celts would imitate spirits asking for food, which became the origin of Halloween activities. The recipe for the gecko cookies here can also be used to make Halloween cookies in different styles, such as the witch finger, earthworm, and jack-o'-lantern cookies. (See the video tutorial at the end.)

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材 料(Ingredients):


步 驟(Steps):


將奶油放置室溫約二十分鐘,使其軟化至可用手指在其表面壓出指印的程度。同時以上火 170℃、下火 140℃(實測溫度 150-160 ℃)預熱烤箱。

Leave the butter at room temperature for around 20 minutes. And preheat an oven at 170℃/140℃. (The actual temperature is around 150-160℃.)



Mix the icing sugar and butter. Stir them until they are well mixed. Add the milk little by little and mix them well. Add the sifted cake flour and mix them well into a dough.





Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces (about 25g per piece). Divide each piece into 8g (for the limbs) and 17g (for the body). Shape them into a gecko on a baking tray. Make 4 geckos in total.





將烤盤放置烤箱最上層,以上火 170℃、下火 140℃(實測溫度 150-160 ℃)烤約十八分鐘。把烤盤前後對調。再烤約七分鐘後出爐放涼。

Put the baking tray on the uppermost layer of the oven. Bake them at 170℃/140℃ for about 18 minutes. (The actual temperature should be around 150-160℃.) Turn the baking tray around. Bake them for another 7 minutes or so. Cool them down.




Pour some water into a pot over medium-low heat. Leave a piece of milk chocolate into a piping bag. Put the bag into a cup. Leave the cup in the pot until the chocolate has softened. 





After the cookies have cooled down, squeeze out a bit of the chocolate to make the geckos' eyes. Then, voila!


旁白配樂版影片(請開字幕) Video Tutorial With Talking & Music:

原音重現版影片(請開字幕) Video Without Talking or Music (ASMR):

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附 註(Footnotes):



If the butter becomes too soft and sticky while mixing, it can be refrigerated for 10 minutes before you move forward.



While making the dough, the milk added must be at room temperature because chilled milk is bound to cause the separation of oil and water. Adding milk little by little can also help prevent the separation of oil and water.



Don't stir the dough for too long, otherwise the cookies won't be as crisp as it should be.



Shape the dough on the baking tray and bake them directly afterwards, so that the dough geckos won't fall apart while being moved.



The gecko's body can't be too thick, otherwise the colour difference between its body and limbs will be too obvious after being baked.



The gecko's limbs can be sticked under its body so that they won't fall apart too easily. If the dough falls apart while being shaped, use some milk to stick them together gently with the warmth of your hands.



Use the milk chocolate bought from a convenience store to make the eyes. Don't use couverture chocolate here as it will melt too easily.



Stick the chocolate on the cookies after the cookies have cooled off so that the chocolate can become solid.



The cookies can be preserved in a food container under room temperature for 7 days. They can also be preserved for 10 days in a fridge or 1 month in a freezer.

😺:記得訂閱YouTube頻道哦~ 您的鼓勵就是最大的動力。


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