Do you know how many kinds of pork zongzi (AKA sticky rice dumplings) there are in Taiwan? What are their differences? Here is the most concise explanation. We've also created a 3-minute video about this. Check it out at the end of the article. Which kind of pork zongzi is your favourite? Leave a comment and let us know!
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1. 粒粒分明的北部粽 Northern Style (Not-So-Sticky)
北部粽的特色為米飯粒粒分明,口感極為 Q 彈,不黏不膩、香味四溢。有些人認為北部粽跟油飯很像,其實二者的製程與使用的配料還是有很多不一樣的地方。圖片來源 |
北部粽通常以桂竹筍殼做粽葉。有筍香味的桂竹筍殼比較會黏米,適合粒粒分明的粽子。通常使用口感較 Q 的長糯米來製作。製作時先把米蒸至八分熟,加滷汁調味拌勻,包好餡料後再蒸到全熟(簡稱「先蒸後蒸」)。餡料通常包括豬肉塊、鹹蛋黃、大塊香菇、蝦米、紅蔥頭、栗子等。
Northern style sticky rice dumplings are wrapped in Makino bamboo shoot shells, which have a nice bamboo shoot smell, and are suitable for not-so-sticky rice. Long-grain sticky rice is preferred here. You need to steam the rice to medium-well beforehand. Stir and season it. Wrap the rice and fillings. Then steam them well. The fillings usually include diced pork, salted egg yolk, shiitake mushroom, dried shrimp, shallot, and chestnuts.
北部粽的粽葉其實不是葉子,而是桂竹筍的筍殼,其顏色偏黃,很容易辨認。圖片來源 |
大塊的豬肉、大塊的香菇、隱約的粽葉香等,都是北部粽與油飯不同之處。圖片來源 |
2. 鮮嫩軟 Q 的南部粽 Southern Style (Soft & Sticky)
南部粽的特色是口感鮮嫩軟 Q,黏性十足。有些人認為南部粽就像漿糊一樣,但事實上,好吃的南部粽軟而不爛,搭配醬料吃也不會有太過清淡的問題。圖片來源 |
Southern-style sticky rice dumplings are usually wrapped in Ma bamboo leaves, which have a nice bamboo smell and are suitable for very sticky rice. Short-grain sticky rice is preferred here. You can either stir-fry the rice to medium-rare and season it beforehand, or just soak it, drain it, and wrap it raw. Boil them well after wrapping the rice and fillings. The fillings usually include diced pork, salted egg yolk, shiitake mushroom, dried shrimp, shallot, and peanuts. Add sauce and not-sweet peanut powder before you dig in.
一般看到的麻竹葉顏色為墨綠色,但放久了會漸漸轉趨黃色。圖片來源 |
採用歷史較悠久的粽子做法製作的南部粽,適口性極佳,不會太乾也不會太硬。圖片來源 |
3. 軟硬適中的中部粽(包括新竹粽) Central Style (Medium Sticky)
中部粽的特色是軟硬適中,不會太濕軟,也不會太乾硬。圖片來源 |
Central Taiwan style (and Hsinchu style) sticky rice dumplings are also wrapped in Ma bamboo leaves. Short-grain sticky rice is also preferred here. You need to stir-fry the rice to medium-rare and season it beforehand (just like the southern style). But then you need to steam them well after wrapping the rice and fillings (just like the northern style). The fillings usually include diced pork, salted egg yolk, shiitake, dried shrimp, shallot, chestnuts, and dried radish.
中部粽(與新竹粽)的黏度中等,做法介於北部粽與南部粽之間,口感也是。圖片來源 |
4. 風味獨特的客家粽 Hakka Style (Smells Awesome)
客家粽的最大特色是濃濃的月桃葉香,以及每樣都細細小小卻很夠味的餡料。圖片來源 |
Hakka style sticky rice dumplings are usually wrapped in shell ginger leaves. Shell ginger is very common in Taiwan's low-altitude mountains. The leaves have a nice and unique smell. But they need to be boiled and washed before being used. Short-grain sticky rice is also preferred here. Like the central style one, you need to stir-fry the rice to medium-rare and season it beforehand. Steam them well after wrapping the rice and fillings. The fillings usually include finely diced lean pork, finely diced shiitake, dried shrimp, shallot, dried radish, and finely diced dried tofu.
月桃葉通常無法在一般雜糧行買到,只能靠自己或親友於野外採集而得。圖片來源 |
如果月桃葉背面的梗太粗,可將之削細,會比較好包。圖片來源 |
客家粽細碎的餡料是其它類型臺灣粽所沒有的特色。圖片來源 |
Still, you can make your dumplings any way you like. There are no rules!
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