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粄條 (粿仔條) 製作 與 炒粄條做法 How to Make Flat Noodles and Taiwanese Char Kway Teow

🔹 粄 條   住在鄉下的阿婆以前是位料理高手   帶著不愛吃飯的小饕客做出各種美味米食   尤其是香氣逼人且爽口彈牙的蛋炒純米粄條   讓我總在熱騰騰的煙霧裡回味她還在的美好時光    臺灣客家人說的粄條(臺灣南部客家人稱其為「面帕粄」),臺語叫做「粿仔條」或是「粿仔」,廣東話叫做「河粉」(ho fan),越南話叫做 pho。炒粄條在南洋也叫做「炒粿條」(char kway teow),在泰國叫做 pad see ew,但是做法都不太一樣。這裡就為大家介紹如何製作純米粄條,以及臺灣客家人的蛋炒粄條做法。用百分百純米製作的粄條,沒有添加任何修飾澱粉,不但較天然,也比較好消化。除了炒粄條以外,純米粄條也可以煮成湯粄條或乾拌粄條,都很好吃哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Flat Noodles  Living in the countryside, Granny used to be a cooking master,  Who made various kinds of delicious food from rice for a little gourmet who didn't like to eat rice.  In particular, the egg-fried flat rice noodles smelled so good with incredible springiness,  Whose hot smoke always reminds me of how wonderful it was to be with her.   Flat rice noodles are called "ban-tiau" or "mien-pa-ban" by Taiwanese Hakka people, and "ke-a-liau" (Taipei and Hsinchu accent) or "kue-a" by Taiwanese Hokkien (Hoklo / Holo) people. Flat rice noodles are also called "ho fan" in Cantonese, and "pho" in...

紅龜粿 (紅粄) 與 花生粉做法 How to Make Ang Ku Kueh (Red Tortoise Cake)

  🔹 紅龜粿   小時候很少有機會吃甜點   總是期待媽媽拜拜買的紅龜  不但外皮軟Q 內餡香甜   還能吉祥如意 長命百歲  紅龜,也叫做「紅龜粿」,客家話叫做「紅粄」,是臺灣人過年過節拜拜很常看到的一種傳統點心。孩子長到十六歲那年,在農曆七月初七,「七娘媽」生日的時候,也會用紅龜來拜七娘媽。紅色象徵吉祥,龜的形狀象徵長壽。紅龜看起來,與麵粉做的麵龜,以及熟的糯米粉做的鳳片龜,有一點相像,但是吃起來感覺差很多。這裡就為大家示範自製花生粉以及包花生粉的紅龜做法,不但用天然紅麴取代人工色素,而且先把粿皮蒸好才包餡,這樣不但吃起來較軟、較Q,也才有辦法包花生粉。這種先蒸再包花生粉的紅龜做法是臺灣閩南人做法的其中一種,做出來的紅龜口感特別好吃哦(客家人做的紅龜較少包花生粉,怕燥的人也可以把花生餡換做紅豆等等別種的餡)。(文末附影片) 🔹 Ang Ku Kueh (Red Tortoise Cake)  Quite rare to eat dessert when I was little.  Always looked forward to the ang ku kueh Mum bought for worship.  Not only did the soft resilient skin went so well with aromatic sweet stuffing,  It was also supposed to bring you good luck, long life and happiness.   Ang ku kueh, which is also known as red tortoise cake and called "fung ban" by Hakka people, is a very common traditional dessert for worship on festivals in Taiwan. For example, when a child is 16 years old, the family will also use it to worship Weaving Maid Goddess on the 7th of July of the lunar calendar...

萬聖節餅乾做法(壁虎餅乾)How to Make Halloween Gecko Cookies

🔹 壁虎餅乾  中秋過後 天氣漸漸變冷  凜冽的寒冬已即將來臨  做些小朋友超愛的壁虎餅乾  願來年大家都能健康平安  萬聖節是每年的十一月一日,但人們會在十月三十一日晚上慶祝萬聖節前夕,也就是萬聖夜。一般認為,萬聖夜源自古代的不列顛群島的凱爾特人,他們認為萬聖夜代表了冬天開始的前夕。相傳這一晚,人間與靈界的界線變得模糊,因此凱爾特人會扮成鬼來討食,形成萬聖夜活動的起源。這裡示範的壁虎餅乾配方也可用於女巫手指、蚯蚓、南瓜等各種造型的萬聖節餅乾哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Gecko Cookies    It's getting chiller after Mid-Autumn.  Cold winter is just around the corner.  Make some kids' favourite gecko cookies.  Wish everyone in the coming year safe and healthy.  All Saints' Day is celebrated on the 1st of November. All Saints' Eve, also known as Halloween, is celebrated on the 31st of October. It is widely believed that Halloween originated with the ancient British Celts, who believed it marked the eve of the beginning of winter. It was seen as a time when the boundary between this world and the otherworld thinned. So, the Celts would imitate spirits asking for food, which became the origin of Halloween activities. The recipe for the gecko cookies here can also be used to make Halloween cookies in different ...

芋頭餅做法(臺灣客家芋頭餅)How to Make Taiwanese Hakka Taro Mooncakes

🔹 芋頭餅  小時候和家人去北埔玩水  媽媽都會順道買些芋頭餅給我當零嘴  不但餡料滿滿而且外皮酥脆  美好時光總是令人一再回味   芋頭餅(芋仔餅)是臺灣客家人的一種傳統月餅,如果把內餡換成地瓜餡,就成了蕃薯餅或地瓜餅。芋頭餅看起來很像臺灣的月光餅,不過芋頭餅的外型較挺、內餡較飽滿,餅皮吃起來也比較酥脆。在物資匱乏的年代,中秋節吃成本比較便宜的芋頭餅賞月,是一種勤儉持家的做法。然而,時至今日,這種超低熱量、不油不膩的樸素月餅反而好處多多,不但好吃,而且吃了也比較不會變胖、比較健康哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Taro Mooncake  Used to go play with water near Beipu with my family.  Mom always bought some taro mooncakes for me.  Crispy crust went so well with hearty taro paste filling.  Great moments are always worth remembering.  Taro mooncake is a kind of traditional mooncake of Taiwanese Hakka people. The filling can also be replaced with sweet potato paste to become sweet potato mooncake. Taro mooncake looks like Taiwanese moonlight cake. But taro mooncake is thicker, and its crust is crisper as well. In the past, eating cheaper taro mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival (the Moon Festival) used to be a way of saving money during hard times. However, it's very beneficial to eat this kind of simple mooncake nowadays since it's not o...