🔹 粄 條 住在鄉下的阿婆以前是位料理高手 帶著不愛吃飯的小饕客做出各種美味米食 尤其是香氣逼人且爽口彈牙的蛋炒純米粄條 讓我總在熱騰騰的煙霧裡回味她還在的美好時光 臺灣客家人說的粄條(臺灣南部客家人稱其為「面帕粄」),臺語叫做「粿仔條」或是「粿仔」,廣東話叫做「河粉」(ho fan),越南話叫做 pho。炒粄條在南洋也叫做「炒粿條」(char kway teow),在泰國叫做 pad see ew,但是做法都不太一樣。這裡就為大家介紹如何製作純米粄條,以及臺灣客家人的蛋炒粄條做法。用百分百純米製作的粄條,沒有添加任何修飾澱粉,不但較天然,也比較好消化。除了炒粄條以外,純米粄條也可以煮成湯粄條或乾拌粄條,都很好吃哦。(文末附影片) 🔹 Flat Noodles Living in the countryside, Granny used to be a cooking master, Who made various kinds of delicious food from rice for a little gourmet who didn't like to eat rice. In particular, the egg-fried flat rice noodles smelled so good with incredible springiness, Whose hot smoke always reminds me of how wonderful it was to be with her. Flat rice noodles are called "ban-tiau" or "mien-pa-ban" by Taiwanese Hakka people, and "ke-a-liau" (Taipei and Hsinchu accent) or "kue-a" by Taiwanese Hokkien (Hoklo / Holo) people. Flat rice noodles are also called "ho fan" in Cantonese, and "pho" in...
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