◆ 草仔粿/菜包
在古早時代,艾草或鼠麴草做的綠皮菜包(草仔粿),原是漢人於清明祭祖時準備的傳統食物。然而,時至今日,由於其獨特的香味與口感,已成為一年四季皆廣受歡迎的美食小吃。微甜的外皮,溫熱時軟嫩,放涼後 Q 彈,內餡搭配炒得鹹香的肉燥、蝦米、香菇,以及脆口的菜脯米,混在一起一口咬下,實是絕妙的天作之合。想隨時隨地吃到香噴噴的菜包嗎?現在就跟著我們的食譜來自己做吧。(文末附影片)
◆ Caozaiguo
Cosmos flowers have bloomed in the fields.
Spring will come before you know it.
Let's gather some shell ginger leaves.
And prepare caozaiguo for tomb-sweeping.
Taiwanese caozaiguo's skin is made of sticky rice and the leaves of mugwort or cudweed. There are various kinds of fillings, such as savoury radish strips or cabbage, and sweet azuki (red) bean paste. Here, we show you how to make the mugwort-flavoured skin caozaiguo with the filling made from savoury radish strips, which is the most common kind of caozaiguo in Taiwan.
Originally, caozaiguo was meant to be used to worship ancestors during tomb-sweeping for Han people. Nowadays, due to its unique smell, flavour, and texture, it has long become a popular gourmet snack which many people desire anytime, anywhere. Now, you can make it just by following our tutorial and recipe. (See video tutorial at the end.)
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材 料(Ingredients):
圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
步 驟(Steps):
Wash the round glutinous rice twice. Don't wash for too long. And soak it for 3 hours.
用濾網把泡米的水瀝掉。把米放入調理機,加入 500 毫升的水,打至少一分鐘。
Drain the rice with a sieve. Leave it in a food processor. Add 500ml of water. Blend them into a smooth liquid for at least 1 minute.
專門用來過濾製作粿粹的棉布袋又稱為「粿袋」。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Press the bag for 3 hours with heavy objects weighing at least 5kg in total. (Flip over the bag every 30 minutes to help it become drier. Afterwards, if it's not going to be used on the same day, don't forget to leave it in a fridge.)
可在下方搭配使用鐵架與裝水的容器。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Wash 3 medium-sized dried shiitake mushrooms (about 10g) and soak them for 30 minutes. (You can put a heavy object on top of them to prevent them from floating.) Drain them, remove the stalks, shred them, and set them aside afterwards.
可在泡香菇的碗裡再疊加一個碗。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Wash the dried radish strips and soak them for 15 minutes. Drain them, squeeze the liquid out, remove bad things, cut them into shorter strips, and set them aside afterwards.
乾蘿蔔絲(菜脯米)可在傳統市場或老街雜糧行找到。切成小段之後再拿來炒,會比較香。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Wash the dried sea shrimps and soak them for 10 minutes. Drain them and set them aside afterwards.
通常在老街雜糧行買到的蝦米,比大賣場賣的品質好很多,記得要挑沒有添加人工色素的來用。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Add the cooking oil into a frying pan over medium heat. Add the shredded mushrooms, shrimps, pork mince, shallot sauce, and radish strips into the pan respectively. (Stir-fry the former ingredient for 1 or 2 minutes, and make room in the centre of the pan for the next ingredient before you add the next ingredient.)
把絞肉炒到肉色變白後,在鍋中央挪出空間,再加入紅蔥醬。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
After the radish has dried (1 or 2 minutes later), add the fine sugar, white pepper powder, and Taiwanese soya sauce respectively. Stir them immediately after adding the soya sauce. After the soya sauce has been stirred evenly, set them aside.
炒好的內餡(配料)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Take out the dried residue of the rice liquid, and press it into smaller lumps. Add about 30-35g of the lumps into boiling water. Crush the rest of the lumps with your hands. Add the boiled ones, fine sugar, and edible mugwort powder to the crushed lumps respectively, and knead them into a smooth dough.
用雙手把壓乾的粿粹給捏碎。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
粿母可以分批加入,若是感覺可以成糰,粿母就不用再放了,否則太黏反而不好揉。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
用類似洗衣服的方式揉米糰。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將米糰平分成六份(每份約 75 到 80 公克)。將每一份米糰捏成碗狀,放入約 50 公克的餡料,以虎口收攏,直到覆蓋內餡為止。收口務必密實捏合。
Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces (about 75-80g each). Pinch each one of them into the shape of a bowl. Add about 50g of the fillings on each one of them. Pull the dough between your thumb and index finger until the fillings are fully covered. The opening must be closely pinched together.
捏成碗狀。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
以虎口收攏。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將收口捏合。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Round them, and pinch them into the shape you like. Apply some cooking oil on their bottoms. Leave them onto a piece of washed shell ginger leaf (or baking paper).
可依個人喜好選擇是否要捏出一道立起來的背瘠。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
蒸籠若有兩層,可先在一層把菜包排成倒三角形,而在另一層則排成正三角形,如此則可將所有菜包錯開,使其充分蒸熟。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Steam them over low heat for 30 minutes in total. (Take the lid off for a while every 5 minutes to release the pressure.) Then, voila!
剛蒸好的菜包(草仔粿)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
放涼後的菜包(草仔粿)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
旁白配樂版影片(客語發音,請開字幕) Video Tutorial With Talking & Music:
原音重現版影片 Video Tutorial Without Talking or Music (ASMR):
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附 註(Footnotes):
The caozaiguo is easier to taste bad if it is made from glutinous rice flour. Since the good-quality glutinous rice flour is quite difficult to find, we recommend making caozaiguo from real glutinous rice.
There may be some bad things or old skin inside the dried radish strips. Better check carefully and remove them.
While preparing the fillings, stir-fry each ingredient separately, so that the fillings can have much more flavour.
Don't stir-fry the shallot sauce too early, or the shallot may be burnt and become bitter.
If fresh mugwort leaves are available, you can also boil them for 10 minutes, drain them and shred them. Then, use them to make the rice dough instead of using the mugwort powder.
艾草是常見的一種野草。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
恭喜網友 maxmaind 試做成功!Congratulations on maxmaind's success!
圖片來源(Source of the Picture): instagram.com/maxmaind |