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Wood bread is a kind of very classical Taiwanese bread. It belongs to the hard Taiwanese bread category alongside Taiwanese golden croissant bread and Taiwanese "Russian" bread. It also represents a very important element of many Taiwanese people's childhood memories about night markets and bakery vans. Now, the once-fashionable bread has become a kind of old-time gourmet food for younger generations these days. Here, we show you how to make the pork-floss-flavoured wood bread and the chocolate-flavoured wood bread. The texture of the wood bread we make is resilient and smooth, which brings you back to those innocent years. (See video tutorial at the end.)
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材 料(Ingredients):
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用來製作木材麵包的食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
步 驟(Steps):
將奶油以外的發酵種食材混合,以攪拌機攪拌成糰後(約打五分鐘),加入軟化無鹽奶油,續攪拌約十到十五分鐘,直到麵糰均勻光滑為止。(麵糰溫度須控制在 27℃ 以內,如果天氣較熱,可先將材料中的牛奶與水冷藏後再使用,以幫助麵糰降溫。)取一食品級塑膠袋,袋內噴些烤盤油,將麵糰放入食品級塑膠袋封好,先室溫靜置半小時,再冷藏至少八小時。
Mix all of the ingredients of the yeast starter except butter into a dough with a dough mixer (for about 5 minutes). Add the softened unsalted butter and keep mixing them for another 10 to 15 minutes until the dough has become smooth. (The dough temperature must be kept under 27℃. If it's rather a scorching day, refrigerate the milk and drinking water beforehand so as to cool the dough temperature down.) Spray some pan spray into a food-grade plastic bag. Leave the dough in the sealed food-grade plastic bag at room temperature for 30 minutes before refrigerating it in a fridge for at least 8 hours.
將奶油以外的主麵糰食材混合(發酵種麵糰須先撕成小塊狀),以攪拌機攪拌成糰後(約打五分鐘),加入軟化無鹽奶油,續攪拌約十到十五分鐘,直到麵糰均勻光滑為止。(主麵糰溫度也是須控制在 27℃ 以內。)
Mix all of the ingredients of the final dough except butter into a dough with a dough mixer for about 5 minutes. (The yeast starter should be torn into pieces before being added.) Add the softened unsalted butter and keep mixing them for another 10 to 15 minutes until the dough has become smooth. (The dough temperature must also be kept under 27℃.)
Divide the final dough in half. Roll one of them into a rectangular before folding it into a smaller rectangular. Repeat the same process for the other one. Roll and fold the first one again. Repeat the same process for the other one again. Cover them with a piece of plastic wrap and leave them at room temperature for 10 minutes. (Don't roll the dough too harshly while rolling. If it's too hard to roll, relax the dough for 5 more minutes before rolling it, otherwise the bread may burst easily while being baked.)
把其中一個麵糰擀成約 25 公分 * 18 公分的長方形。(把收口的地方擀薄一點,烤的時候才比較不會裂開。)把肉鬆平均舖在上面後,捲成圓柱狀。對另一塊麵糰重複同樣步驟,但是把肉鬆換成耐烤巧克力豆。
Roll one of them into a 25cm * 18cm rectangular. (Make the edge of one end thinner so that the sealed part won't separate easily.) Add the pork floss onto it. Roll the dough into a cylinder. Repeat the same process for the other one with the chocolate baking chips instead of the pork floss.
將捲好的麵糰放置烤盤上(讓收口在正下方),放入保麗龍箱內,再放入兩杯熱水在麵糰兩旁,並在旁邊放入一支溫度計,將箱內溫度控制在 28℃ 左右。蓋好保麗龍箱的蓋子,發酵 50 分鐘。(如果氣溫大於 28℃,就不用放熱水,發酵時間也可縮短一些。)烤箱預熱至實測溫度 170 度。
Put the dough cylinders on a baking tray with the sealed sides down and leave them in a styrofoam box. Leave 2 cups of hot water in the box alongside a thermometer to control the temperature at around 28℃. Put the lid on the box and wait for them to rise for about 50 minutes. (If the weather temperature is above 28℃, you don't need to put the hot water inside, and the waiting time can be cut short as well.) Preheat an oven to 170℃ (actual temperature).
Smear the beaten eggs onto the dough cylinders and scrape some patterns on them with a jagged-edge scraper or a fork.
以 170℃ 烤 20 分鐘,前後對調,再烤 15 分鐘後出爐,放涼即可。
Bake them at 170℃ for 20 minutes before turning around and baking them for another 15 minutes. Let cool off. Then, voila!
旁白配樂版影片 Video Tutorial With Talking & Music:
原音重現版影片 Video Tutorial Without Talking or Music (ASMR):
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附 註(Footnotes):
The signaled temperature on the oven may be different form the actual temperature. Better leave an oven thermometer inside the oven to measure the actual temperature.
The texture is crisp outside and soft inside on the baking day. However, the texture will become resilient and smooth the next morning.
If you replace the fillings with raisins and milky filling, the bread may burst more easily, but it tastes really great.
😺:記得訂閱YouTube頻道哦~ 您的鼓勵就是最大的動力。
將奶油以外的發酵種食材混合,以攪拌機攪拌成糰後(約打五分鐘),加入軟化無鹽奶油,續攪拌約十到十五分鐘,直到麵糰均勻光滑為止。(麵糰溫度須控制在 27℃ 以內,如果天氣較熱,可先將材料中的牛奶與水冷藏後再使用,以幫助麵糰降溫。)取一食品級塑膠袋,袋內噴些烤盤油,將麵糰放入食品級塑膠袋封好,先室溫靜置半小時,再冷藏至少八小時。
Mix all of the ingredients of the yeast starter except butter into a dough with a dough mixer (for about 5 minutes). Add the softened unsalted butter and keep mixing them for another 10 to 15 minutes until the dough has become smooth. (The dough temperature must be kept under 27℃. If it's rather a scorching day, refrigerate the milk and drinking water beforehand so as to cool the dough temperature down.) Spray some pan spray into a food-grade plastic bag. Leave the dough in the sealed food-grade plastic bag at room temperature for 30 minutes before refrigerating it in a fridge for at least 8 hours.
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打好的發酵種麵糰。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將奶油以外的主麵糰食材混合(發酵種麵糰須先撕成小塊狀),以攪拌機攪拌成糰後(約打五分鐘),加入軟化無鹽奶油,續攪拌約十到十五分鐘,直到麵糰均勻光滑為止。(主麵糰溫度也是須控制在 27℃ 以內。)
Mix all of the ingredients of the final dough except butter into a dough with a dough mixer for about 5 minutes. (The yeast starter should be torn into pieces before being added.) Add the softened unsalted butter and keep mixing them for another 10 to 15 minutes until the dough has become smooth. (The dough temperature must also be kept under 27℃.)
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把發酵種麵糰撕成小塊狀再加入。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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打好的主麵糰須均勻光滑,才不容易斷筋。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Divide the final dough in half. Roll one of them into a rectangular before folding it into a smaller rectangular. Repeat the same process for the other one. Roll and fold the first one again. Repeat the same process for the other one again. Cover them with a piece of plastic wrap and leave them at room temperature for 10 minutes. (Don't roll the dough too harshly while rolling. If it's too hard to roll, relax the dough for 5 more minutes before rolling it, otherwise the bread may burst easily while being baked.)
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將擀好的麵糰折成一個較小的長方形。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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折好後的模樣。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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再擀第二次。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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經過兩次擀折後的模樣。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
把其中一個麵糰擀成約 25 公分 * 18 公分的長方形。(把收口的地方擀薄一點,烤的時候才比較不會裂開。)把肉鬆平均舖在上面後,捲成圓柱狀。對另一塊麵糰重複同樣步驟,但是把肉鬆換成耐烤巧克力豆。
Roll one of them into a 25cm * 18cm rectangular. (Make the edge of one end thinner so that the sealed part won't separate easily.) Add the pork floss onto it. Roll the dough into a cylinder. Repeat the same process for the other one with the chocolate baking chips instead of the pork floss.
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收口處可以留一些不鋪內餡的空間,以利捏合。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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收口處要確實收好,但也不用捏得太緊密。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將捲好的麵糰放置烤盤上(讓收口在正下方),放入保麗龍箱內,再放入兩杯熱水在麵糰兩旁,並在旁邊放入一支溫度計,將箱內溫度控制在 28℃ 左右。蓋好保麗龍箱的蓋子,發酵 50 分鐘。(如果氣溫大於 28℃,就不用放熱水,發酵時間也可縮短一些。)烤箱預熱至實測溫度 170 度。
Put the dough cylinders on a baking tray with the sealed sides down and leave them in a styrofoam box. Leave 2 cups of hot water in the box alongside a thermometer to control the temperature at around 28℃. Put the lid on the box and wait for them to rise for about 50 minutes. (If the weather temperature is above 28℃, you don't need to put the hot water inside, and the waiting time can be cut short as well.) Preheat an oven to 170℃ (actual temperature).
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熱水擺放位置要分開且對稱,才能讓箱內溫度平均分布。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Smear the beaten eggs onto the dough cylinders and scrape some patterns on them with a jagged-edge scraper or a fork.
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刮出的花紋不宜太複雜,以免烤好後反而看不清楚。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
以 170℃ 烤 20 分鐘,前後對調,再烤 15 分鐘後出爐,放涼即可。
Bake them at 170℃ for 20 minutes before turning around and baking them for another 15 minutes. Let cool off. Then, voila!
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烤好後的木材麵包外觀。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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烤好後的木材麵包底部。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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烤好後的木材麵包切面。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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紮實的木材麵包不會有太大的孔洞。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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成功的麵包體會呈現細緻綿密的結構。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
旁白配樂版影片 Video Tutorial With Talking & Music:
原音重現版影片 Video Tutorial Without Talking or Music (ASMR):
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附 註(Footnotes):
The signaled temperature on the oven may be different form the actual temperature. Better leave an oven thermometer inside the oven to measure the actual temperature.
The texture is crisp outside and soft inside on the baking day. However, the texture will become resilient and smooth the next morning.
If you replace the fillings with raisins and milky filling, the bread may burst more easily, but it tastes really great.
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奶酥葡萄乾口味的木材麵包。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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這可說是最好吃的木材麵包口味,如果只是自用,不妨考慮看看。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
😺:記得訂閱YouTube頻道哦~ 您的鼓勵就是最大的動力。