歐式麵包(Artisan Bread)按照英文直譯就是「工匠麵包」,標榜天然、全麥、低糖、低油等特色,以有別於一般市面上大量生產的精緻甜麵包。然而,歐式麵包常常不是太硬、韌性太強(對牙齒是一大考驗),要不然就是太軟、失去了歐包的特色。想做出外酥內軟版的葡萄乾核桃歐式麵包嗎?參照我們的食譜做法就行了(附影片)。
How to make tasty walnut raisin artisan bread? Artisan bread is usually either too chewy or too soft. But then, our version of artisan bread is crisp outside and soft inside. You'll definitely like it. Here's the recipe.
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材 料(Ingredients):
(可做成兩條歐式麵包)(For 2 Loaves of Artisan Bread)
(1) 液種麵團(Poolish):
* 新鮮酵母(Fresh Yeast):1 g
* 水(Water):60 ml
* 全麥粒粉(Wholemeal Flour):60 g
(2) 主麵團(Final Dough):
* 高筋麵粉(High-gluten Flour):140 g
* 砂糖(Sugar):10 g
* 水(Water):80-85 g
* 液種麵團(Poolish):如前述(As Mentioned Above)
* 鹽(Salt):2.5 g
* 新鮮酵母(Fresh Yeast):6 g
* 無鹽奶油(Unsalted Butter):15 g
* 葡萄乾(Raisins):60 g
* 核桃(Walnuts):30 g
製作歐式麵包的材料。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
步 驟(Steps):
Mix up all of the ingredients of the poolish dough. Leave the poolish in a sealed box. Leave it at room temperature for 1 hour and in the fridge for at least 8 hours respectively.
拌勻後的液種麵團。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
After the poolish dough is ready, mix the first 3 ingredients of the final dough with the poolish. Leave the mixture in a closed pan at room temperature for 15 minutes. The procedure is called the autolyse method, which helps the water hydrate the flour big time.
Soak the raisins for a few minutes and drain them. Leave the drained raisins on a piece of kitchen paper. Chop the walnuts to smaller pieces.
瀝乾後的葡萄乾。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
核桃不宜太大塊,以免切割、破壞麵團的筋性。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Mix the autolysed mixture with the salt, fresh yeast, and butter. Knead them into a dough. Spray some cold water to keep the moisture and keep the dough temperature under 28°C if necessary. You know the final dough is ready when you pinch a bit of it between your fingers and it looks like an earlobe.
揉麵團動作示範。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
麵團溫度過高會導致麵包太過粗糙。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
把主麵糰揉到能拉出不太會破的薄膜為止。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Press and flatten the dough slightly. Mix the raisins and walnuts in with the dough. Don't over-knead the dough. Leave the dough in a covered pan with some sprinkled flour at room temperature for 80 minutes.
加入葡萄乾與核桃時,只需稍微拌勻即可,不宜揉過頭。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Dust one of your fingers with some flour. You know the dough is ready for the next step when you insert your finger into the dough and it can keep the shape of a hole. Then sprinkle some flour over your work surface. Divide the final dough into 2 equal pieces. Cover them and leave them at room temperature for 20 minutes.
手指搓洞示意圖。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
在烤箱內的下層放一塊石板或磁磚,在烤箱的上層鐵架放一盤石頭(最好是孔隙較多的火山石,以金屬製的盤子盛裝),以 250°C 預熱 40-60 分鐘。
Leave a slate or tile on the bottom rack of an oven, and leave a metal plate of stones on the top rack of it. Preheat them to 250°C ( for around 40 to 60 minutes).
撒些手粉,輕拍麵團幾下,將麵團整成橄欖型,放在撒粉的帆布或棉布(粿巾)上,蓋好後進行 45 分鐘的最後發酵。
Dust your hands with some flour. Tap the two pieces of dough gently. Gently roll them into olive shapes. Sprinkle some flour on a canvas or a piece of cotton cloth. Leave them there covered with another piece of cloth for 45 minutes.
輕柔地將麵團整成橄欖型。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
可自製厚紙板柱狀物,置於烤盤中間,再鋪布。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
放入麵團示意圖。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Cover a chopping board with a piece of baking paper. Leave the dough pieces on it. Sprinkle some high-gluten flour on the dough pieces. Dip a French chef's knife in some cooking oil. Cut the skins of the dough pieces with the knife. Spray a lot of water on them.
這不是美工刀,是法式主廚刀(由刀柄前緣形狀判斷)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
麵團表面劃線示意圖。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
以不鏽鋼杯裝半杯熱水,放入預熱好的烤箱下層鐵架(石板或磁磚旁),把麵團(連同烘焙紙)用木砧板推入烤箱內的石板或磁磚上,稍微取出裝石頭的盤子,倒約 250 ml 的熱水於石頭上,迅速放回烤箱內,關烤箱門,以上火 220 度、下火 180 度烤十分鐘(無分上下火的烤箱可把烤溫設定為 200 度)。
Leave a half-cup of hot water in the preheated oven (beside the slate or tile). Put the dough pieces (along with baking paper) on the preheated slate or tile. Pour about 250 ml of hot water over the preheated stones and shut the oven door swiftly. Bake them with a top heat of 220°C and a bottom heat of 180°C (or 200°C overall) for 10 minutes.
烤箱內部擺設示意圖。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
倒水的瞬間會產生大量蒸氣。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
在烤的過程中利用水蒸氣來達到麵包外皮酥脆的效果。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
取出石頭與水杯,在麵包上大量且均勻地噴水,下火降至 160 度(無分上下火的烤箱可把烤溫調整為 190 度),再烤六分鐘。
Remove the stones and the cup from the oven. Spray a lot of water evenly on the bread. Bake the bread with a top heat of 220°C and a bottom heat of 160°C (or 190°C overall) for another 6 minutes.
Spray a lot of water evenly on the bread again. Turn the bread around and bake the bread for another 6 minutes. Then, voila, it's done.
烤好的歐式麵包外觀。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
烤好的歐式麵包切面圖(有很明顯的氣孔)。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
歐式麵包的內部牽絲實況。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
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附 註(Footnotes):
You can keep the bread in a freezer for a few days. Before serving the bread again, just move the bread to a fridge and leave it there for a few hours, then steam the bread in a steam cooker without water for a few minutes.
Don't let the water spray on the oven door when you pour the water on the stones. Otherwise, the oven door's glass might crack. You can leave a towel on the glass before you pour the water to prevent this scenario.
You can also put the stones on the bottom rack and put the bread on the top rack as long as there is enough room for the bread on the top rack.
😺:記得到臉書專頁按讚哦~ 您的鼓勵就是最大的動力。