Made from milk powder and some other unique ingredients, Taiwanese nougat has become one of Taiwan's most popular souvenirs. Here's the recipe for cranberry-almond-flavoured Taiwanese milk nougat, which is really classic and amazing.
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材 料(Ingredients):
蔓越莓杏仁牛軋糖食材一覽。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
步 驟(Steps):
將 45 g 的無鹽奶油隔水加熱使其融化,加入 75 g 奶粉與 1 g 鹽拌勻。
Get 45 g of unsalted butter melted and mixed with 75 g of milk powder and 1 g of salt.
奶油與奶粉拌好後的樣子。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
將 100 g 蔓越莓乾及市售的已烤過且無調味的 200 g 熟杏仁果放入 100℃ 烤箱中加熱與保溫。
Leave 100 g of dried cranberries and 200 g of roasted almonds in a 100℃ oven.
先將這兩樣食材保持溫熱狀態可避免其之後加入糖漿時造成糖漿過早硬化。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
300 g 水麥芽加入 50 g 海藻糖(也可用等重的一般砂糖取代)與 60 g 水,放入溫度計探針,以中小火煮至 105℃ 時,同步進行下一步驟(打蛋白)。
Mix 300 g of maltose syrup with 50 g of trehalose (or sugar) and 60 g of water in a pan or pot over medium-low heat. Monitor the temperature. Undergo the next process simultaneously after it reaches 105℃.
煮的過程可用木匙稍微攪拌幾下。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
20 g(義大利)蛋白霜粉加入 20 g 水,將電動打蛋器調到中速,打至蛋白霜可直立的乾性發泡狀態後,轉低速再打約 20 秒。
Mix 20 g of (Italian) meringue powder with 20 g of water. Beat the mixture with a hand mixer at medium speed until stiff peaks form. Then, stir the paste at low speed for another 20 seconds or so.
此即蛋白霜可直立的樣子。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
糖漿煮至 125℃ 時關火,分次且緩慢地將其倒入蛋白鍋中與蛋白霜快速拌勻。
Turn off the heat after the syrup reaches 125℃. Pour it slowly into the egg white pan and mix them quickly at the same time.
糖漿煮至 125℃ 後會變得十分濃稠,並且會有許多大泡泡。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
蛋白霜與糖漿混勻後的樣子。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Mix in the mixture of butter and milk powder. Then, mix in the hot almonds and dried cranberries.
加入奶粉奶油拌勻後的樣子。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
加入杏仁果與蔓越莓拌勻後的模樣。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
鋪一張烘焙紙在一個九吋方形模(或長寬約 20 公分的不鏽鋼鐵盤),倒入拌勻的混合物後,馬上蓋上另一張烘焙紙,迅速以躺平的刮刀壓實、鋪平,從模中取出放涼。
Cover a 9-inch square pan with a piece of baking paper. Pour the mixture into the pan. Leave another piece of baking paper on the mixture immediately. Quickly press and flatten it with a spatula. Get it out of the pan and let it cool off.
將拌勻的混合物放入鋪了烘焙紙的方形模。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
壓的時候,四個角落尤其要充分壓實。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
Chop it into smaller pieces and leave them in sealed containers or bags to keep them dry.
切塊之前要先估量一下間距,以免切好後大小不均。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
切好後的模樣。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
建議先用可食用的威化紙(糯米紙)包好後以小包裝袋密封,尤其是要送人的話。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
剛做好時的口感最軟。圖片來源:cooking23s.blogspot.com |
說 明(Footnotes):
If you don't have a cooking thermometer, you can try and drizzle some cooked syrup into a cup of cold water. You know it's done when it can crystallize immediately. However, it's highly recommended to buy a digital cooking thermometer to help you make the right decision.
若喜歡較硬的口感,可將糖漿煮到 130℃ 或 135℃,也可用較多的海藻糖(或砂糖)取代一些水麥芽。
If you prefer the harder texture, you can heat the syrup until it reaches 130℃ to 135℃. You can also replace some maltose syrup with more trehalose (or sugar).
如果只買到生杏仁果,可先用 170℃ 烤十幾分鐘後,再以 100℃ 保溫即可。
If you can only get raw almonds, you can leave them in a 170℃ oven for ten minutes or so beforehand.
如果要做巧克力口味,可用 25 g 的無糖巧克力粉取代 25 g 的奶粉。
For the chocolate flavour, you can replace 25 g of milk powder with 25 g of unsweetened cocoa powder.
We use meringue powder rather than raw egg white so as to eliminate the risk of getting bird flu (avian flu).
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